Tuesday, December 23, 2014


The holiday season would not be complete without a visit to Santa.  You've been lucky enough to see Santa twice this year!  Since you are 10 months old and all about mommy and daddy, I expected a full out meltdown as soon as I put you in his lap (and I don't blame you- he's a funny looking man in a red suit with a hat and a beard!)  I thought you would take one look at him, one look at your dad and I, and just start whaling!  I expected to end up paying $25 for a picture where you looked miserable, tears running down your face, screaming, arms up in the air - but I was going to do it anyways because that's just what you do.  Those were my expectations as to how your first visit to Santa would go...and here's the reality...

We went to MacArthur Center on a Sunday afternoon early in December to take you to see Santa for the first time.  It worked out perfectly because we could see Santa and get some Christmas shopping done all in the same trip.  We ended up waiting a little over an hour, but you were happy the entire time.  You are so observant these days, that the kids in line and decorations around you were the perfect entertainment while we waited (the puffs helped too!)  Your dad did some shopping and got us coffee while we waited.  It was nice that they had the line broken up into sections.  We waited behind the ropes for the first part, but the second part they let you into a play/snow globe/winter themed area.  There was a life size polar bear, holiday movies, and even a snow globe that we got to go in that had snow!  Finally, after a long wait, it was our turn.

The lady that was taking the picture was awesome!  She kinda had the same thinking I did, that they second you got on his lap you would start screaming.  So she said we would have to move fast!  We would put you on his lap, she was ready with the teddy bear to get you to smile, and the photographer would snap away!  Much to our surprise, your dad put you on his lap and you started smiling!  We got the most perfect picture and you were as happy as could be, I think you even laughed at one point!  Your dad and I could not believe it, what 10 month old smiles for Santa?!?  After a few minutes you realized that you wanted a familiar face and you were done, but I was one proud mommy as you showed off for the camera!  It was amazing!

Daddy's girl excited to see Santa!

How cute are her red shoes?

"Mommy, what is this white stuff?  It doesn't look like sand from the beach!"

You are just so cute, I can't even handle it!  2 front teeth and all smiles for the camera!

The following weekend we were invited to a Brunch at our friend's Katy and Roger's house and Santa even made an appearance!  This time you were intrigued by the big man in the red suit, but you only liked to look at him from afar.  You were NOT a fan of him holding you and you sure let us know it!  This was the more typical reaction to Santa and the pictures are hilarious!  Overall, 1 for 2 isn't bad and we've got the perfect pictures of you and Santa on your first Christmas!

"Why is this man holding me mommy?"
"I don't like it!"

You had the lip going and everything this time...poor baby.
His jingle bells were pretty cool though!  You kept scooting closer and closer and you were okay with him as long as he didn't pick you up.  You were curious, but still too smart - we couldn't even trick you into smiling with the jingle bells.  You were NOT having it this time!

Family pic, you were much more brave when mommy and daddy were close by!
So much cuteness in this photo - all the kiddos as the Santa brunch!

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