Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter Sunday

Our Easter was full of fun, family, and lots of food.  My family was in town for the weekend - Grandma, Pap, and Aunt Kristen came in Thursday night and Uncle Brian and Carla came Friday night.  It was a beautiful Sunday morning and we were all up early for a Castello favorite, eggs benedict, for breakfast before we headed to 11:00 mass.  Anyone who knows my family, knows that we are never on time, ever.  I am proud to say that all 9 of us were sitting in church not only on time, but early!  It's a Castello miracle!  Normally, I would say it's a good thing to arrive at a crowded mass with time to spare, but that just meant we had an extra 15 minutes to entertain our very active, noisy toddler.  Overall, Addie was pretty good.  But, she is only 14 months old and on the move.  We read books, ate goldfish, passed her around, walked in and out several times, smiled and waved at everyone around us (that all took about 10 minutes, so we repeated all of that about 8 times) was a workout!  We made it though and without any major meltdowns, so I would say that it was a success.  When we got home we took some family pictures and then little Miss Addie did an amazing job finding her Easter basket.  This year she got a toy xylophone, bunny book, new pajamas, crayons, some chalk and bubbles, fruit and veggie pouches, and plastic eggs filled with goldfish.  I think out of all of her goodies, the pouches were her favorite as she said yumm every time she looked at them!  She also loved banging on her new xylophone and making some music!  After all of our Easter Sunday fun, it was time for some lunch and a quick nap.  I say quick because Uncle Brian thought it was a good idea to wake up our exhausted toddler after only an hour so he and Carla could spend some more time with her before they left.  So that we did, we woke her up, and then met everyone down on the boardwalk at the oceanfront for a little (that is after a 25 minute car ride with a screaming toddler!)  Once we arrived she cheered up, we spent some quality time hanging out at the fire pit table because the breeze made it a little chilly, and then said our goodbyes to Uncle Brian and Carla.  We ended the day with a cookout, some Notre Dame women's basketball, and finally getting around to dying Easter eggs.  

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