Sunday, April 12, 2015

It's a GIRL

"A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart."

Addie looking adorable in her tutu!

"Wait, what does that say?"

"NOOOO I don't want to share my mommy and daddy!"

Gender Reveal - Easter Style

Since we had family in town for Easter the same weekend that we found out that we were having another GIRL, of course we had to plan a fun way to reveal our news!  We went along with the Easter theme and had an Easter egg hunt!  If nothing else, we thought it would be hilarious to watch grown adults search for the eggs, plus Addie could play along too.  Eric and I hid 3 eggs for each person and they had to find 1 of each color.  Everyone had to find all of their eggs before they were allowed to open them.   Everyone searched the house, Addie included, and collected their eggs.  Little did they know, the gender was not within the eggs...we saved the best for last and let Addie reveal that she was going to have a little SISTER!  
Look mom and dad, I already found 2!

Aunt Kristen with all 3 of her eggs.

Grandma found hers too, even though she kept trying to steal Addie's who were hidden very out in the open!

It's a



Addie was more excited about the plastic egg than the fact that she is going to have a little sister in August.

There's that smile :)

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