Sunday, June 14, 2015

Baby Bump - Month 7

How far along?  30 weeks

Gender:  It's a girl - Bella Sherry Harvell!

Feeling:   I've started feeling much more pregnant lately.  Between my week of SOL testing at school and temps in the upper 90s, life has become a little more difficult and my poor feet a little more swollen.  My heartburn is in full force - maybe Bella will be born with a full head of hair just like her big sis!

Maternity Clothes: Since we have been living at the beach and the pool on the weekends, I've quickly gotten over my fear of wearing my maternity bathing suit in public.  I have 2 and they are both actually fairly comfortable.  There's nothing better than the pool and the beach on a hot summer day!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well, although every once in a while I will wake up pretty uncomfortable.  At this point the good nights still out number the bad so I can't really complain...yet!

Favorite Moments:

-Scheduling Bella's birthday - Apparently Bella already wants to be like her big sis because she is also breech.  Since I am a repeat c-section even if she decides to turn (which I doubt she will!) I already have it scheduled.  Bella's tentative birthday is Tuesday, August 18th :)

-Addie has been around a few newborns/babies recently and I love watching her interact with them.  She points, blows kisses, and may or may not try to steal their pacifiers, but it makes me very excited for her to meet her baby sister.

Missing anything?  As the weather gets nicer, I kinda miss being able to have a Blue Moon..especially since one of our favorite local spots that we like to go to and sit outside has it on draft.

Movement:  All the time.  Bella is much more of a kicker than Addie was.  I felt Addie move all of the time but it was almost like she was spinning around or dancing, Bella all out kicks me takes my breath away sometimes!

Cravings:  This past month I've had some really random (and delicious) cravings - crab legs, Rita's italian ice, and anything sweet.  Iced coffee is still my guilty pleasure!  I've started making my cup of coffee at night and then putting in the refrigerator to chill over's amazing by the time I drink it in the morning.

Looking forward to:

-Summer time!  It's my last week of school and I cannot wait to be done!

-Spending some time preparing for Bella's arrival once I'm done with school.  I have several to-do lists and I'm ready to start checking some things off of them.

-Our OBX trips that we have planned in July.  We are taking a mini-vaca just the 3 of us for the 4th of July and then will be back there the next week with the whole family.

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