Sunday, June 28, 2015

All About Addie

I figured it was about time to dedicate a post to our sweet Addie girl.  I miss doing my monthly posts and sharing every last detail about how you are growing and changing so much.  You are at such a fun age right now, a little over 16 months, and we are loving every minute of watching your personality shine through!  You are always full of expression, we know when your happy and you make sure we know when you are upset.  You keep us on our toes and always keep things interesting.  You are going to be the best big sister to Bella, but for now it's All About Addie in our house.

Here are a few of my favorite things:

  • You are a dancing machine!  You absolutely love music and the second you hear it you start to move.  Your favorite dance moves are the shoulder shrug, shaking your butt (thanks to Aunt Kristen), and spinning in circles.  It is so adorable!

  • One of your favorite things to do is feed Cooper treats!  You know exactly where they are and surprisingly you don't even try to eat them yourself.  Cooper usually enjoys 3-4 treats per day and is really appreciating having you around these days!
  • Everything is uh-oh, oh no, and oh my these days.  Sometimes you throw things to the floor on purpose just to say uh-oh and we've been trying to explain to you that when you do it on purpose it's not an uh-oh.  You put your hands up by your face though when you say it and even though you probably say it 100 times a day, it's still so cute!
  • You have become quite the beach bum.  We go a couple times a week and you love to play in the sand and in the water, which makes your daddy and I very happy!

  • Making animal noises is your thing - the favorites are roar, meow, and woof woof.
  • You have become a pretty picky eater, you know what you like and that's what you want.   When it is time to eat and you see what we have for you, you give us a quick "oh wow" or shake your head "no" to let us know your thoughts on our selections.  You always have an opinion that's for sure!
  • You are such a sweet and friendly little girl.  Everywhere we go, you greet everyone with waves and smiles.  You love to be around people, especially other kids.  We've been practicing being gentle and nice with your baby doll and you give the doll the best hugs and kisses.  I know you are going to absolutely adore your little sister and give her lots of lovin'.
  • It is so much fun to go out and do things with you lately.  We have been to the zoo, playground, swimming pool, beach, strawberry picking, out to eat, etc. - and every single field trip is an adventure and full of fun family memories.

  • When I am cleaning or cooking - you turn into my little mini-me and love to run your vacuum cleaner with me or help me cook.  I love that you're becoming mommy's little helper!
  • Your cute little toes - especially when Aunt Krissy gives you a pedicure!
  • I love how you stick your tongue out when your are concentrating really hard on something, it's adorable!
Addie's favorites at 16 months:

  • Toys
    • Any type of ball - you even get excited when you see the large red balls outside of Target
    • Your baby doll - you give her hugs and kisses and love to feed her the bottle
    • Blocks and oversized legos
    • Bubbles
    • Sand and water toys - especially your bucket and shovel
    • Your picnic basket, even though you continue to try to eat the play food in it
    • Your "Addie" chair or pretty much anything else you can climb on

    • Alphabet train
    • Books - your favorite is your Peek-a-Boo book because you like to open the flaps 
    • Your vacuum cleaner
    • The Disney princess ride on toy

  • Activities
    • Singing and dancing
    • Chasing Cooper and feeding him treats
    • Family walks
    • Going to the beach or to the pool
    • Pretending to talk on the phone
    • The playground

    • Our classes at the Little Gym - I'm pretty sure you smile from the second we get there until the second we leave, you absolutely love it!
    • Watching Mickey Mouse or Doc McStuffins
  • Foods
    • Goldfish
    • graham crackers
    • bananas
    • mandarine oranges
    • fruit and veggie pouches
    • applesauce
    • yogurt
    • PB&J
    • anything with cheese - grilled cheese, string cheese, mac & cheese

      We love you so much Addie girl!

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