Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Father's Day

We had such a fun time celebrating our favorite guy.  Eric is so good with Addie and she really has become such a little daddy's girl.  She gets upset when he leaves for the day and her face lights up the second he walk through the door.  He makes her laugh on a daily basis and he is her favorite cuddle buddy on the couch.  I absolutely love to watch the 2 of them together and I can't wait to see how Bella and Eric interact very soon.

This year for Father's Day we started out with a yummy homemade breakfast followed by a few hours at the bay.  Anyone who knows Eric knows that the beach is his favorite place in the world so it  was the perfect place to spend our day. 

The theme of Eric's gift this year was tickets.  He got a new coffee mug full of Reese's pieces from Addie that was his TICKET to starting the day off right.  He got a new luggage tag with the cutest beach picture of Addie on it that was his TICKET to safe travels.  Finally, he got some Florida Georgia Line TICKETS to have a date night before Bella's arrival.  He was thrilled about each and every one of them!

We love you Daddy!  Happy Father's Day!

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