Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Summer Bucket List - An update

I decided to write a bucket list of fun things I wanted to do this summer, both with Addie and as a family, before Bella's arrival.  I know Bella's arrival will be an adjustment for Addie, so I wanted to have some fun as our last summer as a family of 3 and give her some special attention before August 18th.  Here is how we are doing so far:
  • Spend as much time as possible with our toes in the sand - in progress - Addie's even developed a little baby tan so I would say even if Bella makes an early arrival we did pretty good with this one!

  • Check out the splash pads and kid's area at Norfolk Botanical Gardens - We went with our friends Sarah and Hudson and Addie LOVED it!  I'm hoping to make it back there at least one more time this summer!

  • Eat as much ice cream as possible - in progress -  our favorites being Fat Boy's in the Outer Banks and of course Sweet Frogs!

  • Go for family (and friend) walks at Mt. Trashmore and Oak Grove Lake - We love this one.  We've been to Mt. Trashmore several times, Daddy even joined us a few times.  Addie loves the park there, it's perfect for little ones.  We had a playdate with our friends Kristie and Addy at Oak Grove Lake and the girls had a blast, especially on the slides together.

  • Explore the local farmer's market - We might try this one this weekend.
  • Take Addie to the Children's Museum on a rainy day - We want Daddy to be able to come with us, so we are planning a trip very soon!
  • Lots of laughs, singing, and fun at our weekly classes at the Little Gym - in progress - Wow, what a difference a year makes.  We went to the Little Gym last summer when Addie was just a baby and she loved it, but now that she can walk and move around it's even better!  This is definitely one of my favorite things about our week!

  • Check out the playscape area in the Slover Library - They have an awesome kids area at the library and it made for the perfect rainy day outing.  We will definitely be back, especially when the weather gets cold and we are stuck inside more.

  • Have a picnic dinner and watch the sunset on the beach - This may or may not happen, depending on the heat and humidity.  We will try though!
  • Make edible finger paint and let Addie get crafty - Anyone have any good recipes for this?  I need to check out Pinterest!
  • Watch Addie run through a sprinkler - We actually don't even have a sprinkler, so not sure if we will get this one done!
  • Go on a few date nights with Eric before Bella's arrival - Eric and I have been on a few date nights recently.  We went to dinner and to see the Entourage movie, which was hilarious.  When we were in the Outer Banks we went to Manteo, where we got married, and enjoyed a nice, relaxing dinner at 1587.  Hopefully we will get at least 1 more date night in before Bella's arrival
  • Enjoy a country concert - Florida Georgia Line here we come!  We ended up 4th row with our friends and it was a blast!  It was so loud that I thought for sure Bella would decide to try to join the party, but luckily she didn't.  

  • Take a trip to the zoo - We are going to try, again depending on the heat and humidity.
We have completed 8 of our 14 things on our list so far, which isn't bad if you ask me.  As long as Bella cooperates I think we will be able to knock the last few things off of our list before the end of summer!  

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