Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Red, White, and Beach

Nothing says 4th of July better than some red, white, and beach and that's exactly what we did this year!  We packed up the car and headed to the Outer Banks with our little firecracker for some family fun.  It's crazy to think that it's our last vacation as a family of 3.  By the time we take another vacation, Bella will be here to join us :)

Here is a glimpse of our vacation in pictures:

How cute are Addie's red and blue toes?

Our annual OBX beach photo
Addie is a busy little girl at the beach.  She loves to dig in the sand, cover Eric and I with sand, and jump in the waves.  She seriously never stops, but it's so much fun!

How cute is Addie in her new swimsuit?  

Addie had quite the set-up thanks to Daddy!
She also loves to drink water... pool water, ocean water, mommy's name it, Addie's taste tested it!

Taking a stroll on the beach looking for the perfect sand to dig in.

Enjoying some time by the pool while Addie naps.  
Addie looking adorable in her red, white, and blue from Aunt Leah!  She's too cute, I can't even handle it!
Family selfie before we head out to dinner.
Daddy's girl
Our silly girl is too busy to pose for pictures.
Enjoying some ice cream on our last night on vacation.

We were sad to go, but excited that we will be back in only a few short days with Grandma, Pap, Uncle Brian, Carla, Aunt Krissy, and cousin Bryan for our annual family vacation.  So we didn't say goodbye, it was see you soon instead!  

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