Thursday, July 30, 2015

OBX - All About Addie

Last year when we went on vacation, Addie was only 6 months old.  Now that she is 18 months old it was much different.  Don't get me wrong, we loved showing her the Outer Banks for the first time last year and she even reached a couple of milestones last year while we were there (laughing and rolling over back to front) but now that she is mobile and full of personality it was a whole new experience this year.   The things she does and games she comes up with just crack me up and I wanted to dedicate a post just to our sweet little girl and her hilarious antics at the beach this year!  With that being said, here are my 10 favorite things about you on the beach this year Addie girl:

You love to have your toes in the sand!  As soon as we arrive you find a shovel and get to work immediately.  We usually find buckets of sand in your swimsuit and in your hair after a couple hours at the beach.

The second you see the ocean, you run towards it full force while you scream with a smile on your face...almost like you are shocked to see it there.  I'm not sure who gets more excited to see the ocean, it's a toss up between you and your dad :)

Now that you have a new obsession with your belly button, you decided you needed to exfoliate your tummy with the sand and you were really upset when you were wearing a one-piece and couldn't do this.  You would lift your shirt, grab a handful of sand and rub it in, and then cover it back up with your bathing suit.  It was hilarious and made your skin so soft :)

You are the queen of lounging on the beach!  Whether you are relaxing in your chair or straight up laying in the sand, even if it only lasts about 30 seconds it is absolutely adorable!

BALL!  BALL!  I think you say that word at least 100 times a day and you were so happy that mommy brought several beach balls along for you to play with at the pool.

Aunt Krissy taught you a game where you would hide a rock or a seashell in the sand in your bucket.  You would put your arms out and when we asked you where it was you would say "I don't know."  Then, you would get a HUGE grin on your face as you dug in the sand and found it as you screamed, "THERE IT IS!"  It was so cute and kept you (and Aunt Krissy) busy for hours!

You love to cover our toes with sand and worked very hard to make sure you got to every single person we were with.

Yes, there was the occasional temper tantrum on the beach and yes I had to capture it on camera.  It must be so difficult being a toddler!

Another one of your favorite things to do was climb the little hill that was left in the sand when the tide went out.  You would use all of your muscles to get up and then throw your hands in the air and say YESSS! and then proceed to slide back down.  You laughed and smiled the entire time - and even got a little baby workout!

Last, but certainly not least, I absolutely LOVE that you are a beach bum.   You are so happy when we are on the beach and we have so many great memories from vacation this year and from our weekend trips to the bay as a family.  I can't wait for you to show Bella what the beach is all about next summer!

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