Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Baby Bump - Month 8

How far along?  35 weeks - It's crazy to think that we are in the home stretch!  We are so close (my c-section is scheduled for exactly 4 weeks from today!), yet so far away.  This is the part of pregnancy that seems to creep along... sleepless nights, hot and humid days, and a growing belly and discomfort plays a huge part in that!  My to-do lists are crazy long, but I am trying to make sure I squeeze in some fun activities with Addie as well as some "me" time in these last few weeks as well.  Eric has been really good about reminding me to do some things for myself, I even went with a friend to get a pedicure last week and it was heavenly!  I caught up with my teacher friends last night at dinner too, which was a lot of fun!  As far as getting through all of my to-do lists -  sometimes I'm the energizer bunny when Addie is napping and sometimes I curl up on the couch and get caught up on Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

Gender:  It's a girl - Bella Sherry Harvell!

Feeling:   I have to admit I am kinda over this summer pregnancy thing.  I'm extremely uncomfortable and tired these days.  It's been very hot and very humid here and I am not a fan.  It's manageable when I can be at the beach with a breeze or in the pool, but other than that we stay indoors - especially when the heat index is over 100 degrees!

Maternity Clothes: Yes, I live in my maternity clothes and I have even hijacked quite a few of Eric's t-shirts too.  It's so nice not to have to get dressed for work every day, so I am usually all about comfort.

Sleep: Unfortunately, this has been the biggest change.  In the couple of weeks, sleeping has become much more difficult.  My carpel tunnel and heartburn is in full force and between that and just tossing and turning to get comfortable, plus the frequent peeing, sleeping is pretty much nonexistent.  If my sleep patterns keep this up for the next month - I'll be trained and ready for little miss Bella's arrival in August.

Favorite Moments:

-Being at home with Addie - I love that we are getting all of this one on one time before miss Bella arrives.  She's at such a fun age right now and we've been able to go out and do a lot of fun things together.

-Vacations - We have been to the Outer Banks twice!  We went for a long weekend over the 4th, just the 3 of us, and then we had our annual week long stay with my family days later.  Both were amazing!

-I've been nesting like crazy.  Almost every room and every closet and cabinet in our house is cleaned and organized.  I love getting ready for Bella because that means she will be here really soon!

The guest room - BEFORE

The guest room - AFTER
Missing anything?  Sleep, being able to walk on the beach or get around in general without being out of breath and swollen, being able to eat whatever I want - anything spicy is out of the question these days due to heartburn and I have to watch my sodium especially at night because of swelling.

Movement:  Constantly!  Now that she is bigger, my whole stomach moves.  It's pretty crazy and probably my favorite thing about being pregnant.

Cravings:  This past month I've had some really random (and delicious) cravings - crab legs, Rita's italian ice, and anything sweet.  Iced coffee is still my guilty pleasure!  I've started making my cup of coffee at night and then putting in the refrigerator to chill over night...it's amazing by the time I drink it in the morning.

Looking forward to:

-Meeting our sweet baby girl - only 4 more weeks - and seeing how Addie handles being a big sister!

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