Wednesday, July 29, 2015

OBX - All about Family

As many of you probably already saw, I posted several pictures from our annual Outer Banks vacation on Facebook.  I've decided to do a series of posts about our vacation on top of sharing the pictures.  Addie is at such a fun age right now and there are so many memories from our vacation that I want to share on my blog.  I write my blog not only to share our life with our friends and family, but also with hopes of going back and sharing all of these posts with Addie some day.  It's like a virtual scrapbook that I truly enjoy writing.  With that being said, here is the first of several OBX posts....

One of my favorite things about our annual Outer Banks vacations is spending time with family.  It's really difficult living away from family, especially once you have kids.  When we go on vacation we get to spend 7 days together and I love every minute.  It's a lot of fun watching Addie get to spend time with her Grandma and Pap, Uncle Brian and Carla, Aunt Kristen, and cousin Bryan.  

Grandma and Pap

Addie has such a special bond with her Grandma and Pap.  They both spoil her to death, but that's what's supposed to happen right?  Grandma loves to do the little things with Addie anytime she's around her, such as giving her a bath, putting her to bed, feeding her a snack - you name it, Grandma volunteers to do it and I never turn her down.   Addie not only shares her love for the beach with Eric and I, but also with her Pap.  The two of them had a lot of fun digging in the sand, taking walks on the beach, and jumping in the waves.  Addie shared a lot of special memories with her Grandma and Pap this year on vacation!

Uncle Brian and Carla

Uncle Brian and Addie have their moments.  He is not a very big fan of Addie when she is crying - which she's a toddler so it happens!  Anytime I did Addie's hair or put sunscreen on her,  Uncle Brian seemed to disappear.  I can't wait to see how this changes once he has his own kids.  There are times where he will play with Addie, as long as she is happy (which is usually when Carla is around too!)  Addie absolutely loves Carla.  Addie always gives her to best smiles and cheers up when she is around. I think Addie has learned (like the rest of us!) that Uncle Brian is not so bad as long as Carla is around!  The 3 of them had fun jumping in the waves and even took a walk on the beach together.

Aunt Krissy

Aunt Krissy and Addie are two peas in a pod.  Addie absolutely adores her and I think the feeling is mutual.  I'm not really sure how Kristen is going to split her time once Bella arrives because I'm not sure Addie will want to share her, we will see though.  Aunt Kristen always teaches Addie new games, tricks, and words when they are together.  One of Addie's favorites was hiding a rock or seashell in her bucket and then finding it and saying "There it is!"  They must have played that game at least 1000 times!  Another thing Kristen taught her this vacation is how to say "Ouch."  Now she says it hundred of times a day, even when she is throwing a fit and is hitting me.  

Cousin Bryan

Addie thinks her cousin Bryan is absolutely hilarious!  She is constantly laughing every time she is around him.  Bryan is such a great big cousin, especially because he has a sister that is about the same age as Addie.  He loves to play with her and is very familiar with all of her favorite shows and toys.  Cousin Bryan is like a big brother to Addie and she loves to follow him around and copy what he is doing.  They are so much fun to watch! 

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