Thursday, June 4, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

We took one last hoorah to Pittsburgh before Bella's arrival for Memorial Day weekend.  Now that I am officially in my 3rd trimester we are trying to limit our traveling between now and August.  We will go to the Outer Banks and probably make one more trip to Raleigh, but other than that they Harvell's are home bound for the summer and to be honest I'm kind of excited about it. 

We drove up on Friday and missed the traffic by leaving around 1, which was really nice.  Addie was an angel on the trip (so was Coop!) and we made it to Pittsburgh just in time for bed time.  We woke up Saturday morning and took a trip to the zoo with the family.  It was a beautiful day and Addie had a blast, especially once she got out of the stroller and got to walk around with Grandma, Pap, and Aunt Kristen.  Towards the end when she started to get fussy, she had her cousin Bryan there to cheer her up.  He always knows how to make her laugh!  Saturday night, my Grandma and Grandpa came into town and my mom made a huge Italian dinner for everyone at my request.  I seriously can't get enough Italian food these days, Bella is going to come out asking for spaghetti and meatballs!  On Sunday, Addie and I met up with Julie and Max at the park for some fun.  It's always good to catch up with old friends when we visit.  Who would have known years ago when we were sitting in Mr. Kallet's homeroom class that we would still be friends years later and not only that, but our little ones would be friends too.  It's pretty cool if you ask me!  After our trip to the park, we came back for a quick nap and then it was time for the neighborhood picnic.  Soon after that, we were on our way home, exhausted as usual.  Our trip to the Burgh was short and sweet, but it really was great to catch up with everyone....and it's crazy to think that next time we return we will be a family of 4!

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