Monday, September 21, 2015

A Letter to Grandma from Addie

Dear Grandma, 

Thank you so much for coming to hang out with Bella and I for the week, we had so much fun!  It was also nice for mommy to have some help, we keep her pretty busy so she never has time to clean the house or run errands.  Here are some of my favorite things we did while you were here:
  • I had so much fun at the zoo and thank you for letting me out of that stroller!  I try to tell my mom and dad that I'm a big girl and can walk, but they don't always let me!  I loved seeing all of the animals up close and making all of the animal noises.  Bella thought it was the perfect place to take a nap!
  • Thank you for taking me on the best walks, don't tell mommy - but I like when you walk with me because we go for a really long time and I love how you let me stop at the swings!
  • Even though I did NOT like it most of the time when you were doing my hair, I did like all of my new hair-do's.  I look pretty good in pigtails if I do say so myself.
  • It was nice of you to get up with me in the morning and let my mommy sleep.  I like that you let me watch some of my shows and let me have whatever I wanted for breakfast too!
  • I had fun showing you all of my favorite parks (minus the huge temper tantrum I had at Mt. Trashmore, sorry about that!) My favorite things to do are swing on the swings, go down the slide, and show off my gymnastic moves on the bar or rings.
  • The pool was a blast!  I got to show you all the fun things at the YMCA pool and show you how I dive.  I think I'm even better than Uncle Brian, don't you?
  • Thank you for watching Bella and I so that mommy and daddy could go on a date.  I love hanging out with them, but I know that sometimes they need to go on date-nights without us.  Plus, I like that you let me stay up past my bedtime...don't worry - I won't tell!
  • Gobble, gobble, that turkey dinner you made us was delicious.  The mashed potatoes were my favorite.  I know where mommy gets her cooking skills from now!
  • I also had a lot of fun when you watched Bella and I had my mommy and daddy all to myself at the pool.  I like Bella a lot, but sometimes I don't like sharing mommy and daddy with her.  We had a lot of fun on the pool and I even got to play with my ball!
  • Thank you for helping mommy clean the house.  I know that she is a neat freak and a clean house really makes her happy, which makes me happy too.  I'll try to clean up my toys so that it stays nice - but I can't make any promises!
  • Bella can't talk yet, but I know that if she could she would want to tell you that she had fun cuddling on the couch with you every night after I went to bed.  I'm still not sure why she gets to stay up later than I do because I am older!
  • I had fun introducing you to my friend Hudson and going to the Children's museum with him and his mom and Grandma.  I had a blast playing with the baby dolls, grocery shopping, and watching the choo-choo-trains!
Thanks again for coming to visit Grandma!  We miss you already and can't wait to see you in a few weeks for Bella's baptism.

Love, Addie

What do you mean you have to leave?!?!  Please come back soon Grandma, we miss you already!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bella - Month 1

Here are your numbers from our 2 week check-up: 
Weight 8 lbs 6 oz (75th percentile)
Length 21 inches (90th percentile)
Head 37.1 cm (95th percentile) 

We started out wearing newborn outfits and sleepers, but now you are wearing 0-3 months.  They are a little big for now, but I know you will grow into them.

Diapers: Newborn

You are a very healthy, happy baby!  At your 2 week appointment, we ended up seeing Dr. Wright instead of Dr. Fink because he was out of town, but she was very pleased with your progress.  You have passed your birth weight and after a rocky start with jaundice, everything looks great now!  

You are an exclusively breastfed baby and you love your milk!  This is one thing that has been so much easier the 2nd time around.  I'm much more confident and know what I am doing and how to fix small little hiccups along the way because I had plenty of practice with your sister.  We introduced you to a bottle around 3 weeks just so mommy had the option of going out for a few hours and you took it like a champ.  Your daddy loves to give you a bottle a couple times a week in the evening once your big sis is in bed and it's just the 3 of us, it's your quiet daddy-daughter bonding time!  You eat about 8-10 times a day, usually every 2-3 hours during the day and you only wake up once during the night to eat.

This is one area in which I am so thankful that you are just like your big sis!  When we came home from the hospital I was actually waking you up to eat every 4 hours and ever since we surpassed your birth weight, I no longer have to do that!  I typically feed you around 10pm and then you sleep until 5am.  I nurse you again and you sleep until 9ish.  Right now, you are sleeping in the rock n play next to our bed, but I will say we will probably move you to your own room soon.  Even though you are an amazing sleeper, you are also a noisy sleeper.  You grunt all night long and keep your mommy awake (you must get that from your daddy!)  During the day we kind of just go with the flow when it comes to naps.  We have no schedule, although I am one happy mommy when you and Addie nap at the same time.  In a few months, that will be the goal on a day to day basis, but for now I just follow your lead.

You love to be snuggled and laying on your mommy or daddy's chest is you favorite spot!  I think you would sleep there all night long if we let you!  You do great in your car seat and in the stroller, which is a lifesaver since we are always on the go with your big sis.  We are very, very lucky that you are such a laid back, easy going baby.  You love your big sister!  You love to stare at her every time she holds you and it's adorable.  The 2 of you are going to be best friends and that makes your dad and I very happy!

Like I said before you are extremely laid back and very rarely let out a cry.  Obviously being hungry is not your thing and yes you will cry to let me know it's time to eat,  but other than that you are a happy camper.  

I think you are doing a great job working to hold your head up.  You have been very alert lately and recognize your mommy and daddy's voices.  I am looking forward to when you look at us and smile, one of my favorite baby milestones.  

You are such an easy going, laid back, happy little girl.  You give the sweetest cuddles and have the most adorable facial expressions.  I absolutely love how you stretch when you first wake up, you make the most adorable face!  We are very excited to continue to get to know you and watch you become your own little person over the next couple of months, but for now we are soaking up as many newborn cuddles as we can.  If it's one thing we learned with Addie, it's that you grow up way too fast, so we are enjoying every little moment we have with you while you are so little.

Grandma and Pap Castello, Aunt Kristen, Aunt Kristie and Uncle Keith, and Brianna were all there on your birthday. Uncle Brian came to meet you the next day.  Our friends Nicole (mommy's work friend), Justin, Kristy & Addy, and Sarah and Hudson also came to see you at the hospital.  Your cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox and your  Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa all had a virtual visit via FaceTime.  Since we've been home from the hospital we've loved introducing you to some more friends and neighbors.  Everyone you meet completely adores you..and I don't blame them, you're pretty cute!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Fall Bucket List

Everyone who knows me knows that I absolutely LOVE summer!  I love the warm weather, beach days, and nothing tops summer vacation when you are a teacher.  My second favorite season though is FALL!  I am so excited for fall this year!  Not only am I going to enjoy pumpkin flavored everything myself, but I will get to enjoy the cooler weather, days at the park, and lot of fun activities with the girls now that I am staying at home during the day.  Fall also brings football season, another one of our favorite things...Go Steelers!

Here are some things that we are looking forward to this FALL in the Harvell household:

  • Football Sundays - bring on the Steelers, dip, and we will probably throw in some baby dolls and legos this year to keep everyone happy!
  • Trick or Treat - I'm really excited for this because Addie wasn't really old enough last year to enjoy it.  This will be our first year actually being able to do it with her and Bella will be along for the ride too!
  • Make Smores and introduce Addie to one of Mommy's favorite foods
  • Do a fun painting pumpkin activity with Addie and her friends
  • Go to Harvest Days at Hunt Club Farm - pick pumpkins, go on a hayride, and try out the petting zoo.
  • Roadtrip to Raleigh and Pittsburgh to introduce Bella to more of her family.  Cross your fingers for Eric and I that we survive the long drive.
  • Take some Fall pictures of the girls, hopefully somewhere pretty either outside with the changing leaves or by some sunflowers
  • Drink as many pumpkin spice lattes as possible and try some new pumpkin flavored recipes
  • Go to Bergey's Breadbasket for the corn maze and ice cream that I hear such good things about!
  • Create a Halloween/Fall picture wall to display pictures of the girls year after year as part of our fall decor.
  • Take Addie to Amazing Glazed for a mommy-daughter breakfast date.  She loves donuts!
  • Do a fun fall/Halloween craft with Addie - I'll probably check Pinterest for some inspiration!
  • Have a picnic on the beach at sunset.  This was on our summer bucket list and we never got around to it, the humidity and being super preggo got in the way.  
  • Try to have at least one date night a month, even if we have to bring Bella along with us it will be nice to have some quiet, alone time.
  • Go for walks, play at the park, take a trip to the zoo, go to the Botanical gardens and do as much as we can outside before the cold winter weather forces us to hibernate.  Bring on the cool, crisp air of the fall - we are ready!
And because I can't write a blog post without pictures, here's a few throwback pictures from last year.  Addie was the cutest pumpkin in the patch!  Happy Fall Y'all!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sisterly Love

These past 3 weeks have been very special for our family.  We welcomed Bella into our family and we have loved every minute of getting to know her and already watching her grow in the short 3 weeks that she has been with us.  Not only has Bella changed over the past couple of weeks, but our sweet Addie girl has grown up as well and she has been the best big sister to our Bella.  Before we had Bella, I wasn't really sure how Addie would react.  She is only 18 months, so I anticipated her to be too busy to really care.  She lives in her own little crazy world and I wasn't sure that would change when her little sister arrived.  Boy, was I wrong!  Addie is obsessed with her little sister!  Here are some of the special moments and things I want to remember down the road about Addie's life as a big sister...

  • It was love at first sight for Addie.  She was instantly in awe of her little sister Bella.  She scanned her up and down and couldn't take her eyes off of her all day long.
  • I was so surprised how gentle Addie was the first time she held Bella (with help of course!)  Sitting still is not one of Addie's favorite things to do, but she sat there and was so proud of herself!  She pointed out Bella's eyes and nose and was obsessed with her tiny fingers and tiny toes. 

  • When Addie wasn't holding Bella at the hospital, she was busy taking care of her baby doll (which was the special gift she got from Bella.)  She became a pro at giving her baby her pacifier and feeding her the baby bottle.  Addie, I think you were getting ready to help mommy when we got home from the hospital.

And when you weren't holding Bella or taking care of your baby doll, you were eating Cheez-its!
  • Addie LOVES to love on her baby sister.  She gives her hugs and kisses all day long and it melts my heart!  

  • Addie was anxiously awaiting our arrival with Grandma and Aunt Kristen when we got home from the hospital.  They decorated the house and were waiting in the driveway when we got there.  Addie was so excited to see us and so thrilled when she saw that Bella came home with us.  

  • Ever since we have been at home, Addie continues to amaze me.  She is so gentle and loving towards her sister.  Every time she sees her she lets out an adorable "awwww..."  She is very patient and doesn't really mind if she has to wait because I am nursing Bella or changing her diaper.  
  • One of Addie's favorite things to do is hold her baby sister.  She will climb up on the couch, put the boppy in her lap, and hold her arms out and point to Bella to tell us that she wants to hold her.  She giggles and smiles the entire time, it's adorable!
  • Addie gets very concerned when Bella cries.  Bella's a pretty laid back baby and rarely cries, unless she's hungry.  The second she makes any sort of noise, Addie puts her hands on her face and in a very concerned voice says, "oh no!" 
  • Addie is always looking out for her little sister.  If she sees that her pacifier fell out of her mouth, she instantly tries to put it back in her mouth for her. 

Addie, you are such a great big sister and your Daddy and I are so proud of you!  We hope you enjoy your "big sister" toys as much as you enjoy being a big sister to Bella.  We love you more than you will ever know Addie girl!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Our Zoo Adventure

We took our first big outing as a family of FOUR to the zoo.  Addie is really into animals these days, she loves to roar, baaa, and moo all day long and I knew she would love seeing all of the animals up close and personal. The humidity finally cooled down a little, so it was perfect for Bella too.  We had a blast walking around with the girls.  Addie loved the monkeys, giraffes, and was a huge fan of brushing the goats in the petting zoo.  Bella loved getting some fresh air and cruising in her stroller - she was passed out almost the entire time!  All in all it was a successful trip to the zoo and we are looking forward to many more in this fall!

"Hiiii!"  Addie loved saying hi and waving to all of the animals and every single person that walked by us!  She's such a friendly little girl!

Monkey family

Bella wasn't that impressed, she slept the entire time!

Addie on the other hand LOVED every single moment!

Baby giraffe nursing from his momma

Giraffe family