Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bella - Month 1

Here are your numbers from our 2 week check-up: 
Weight 8 lbs 6 oz (75th percentile)
Length 21 inches (90th percentile)
Head 37.1 cm (95th percentile) 

We started out wearing newborn outfits and sleepers, but now you are wearing 0-3 months.  They are a little big for now, but I know you will grow into them.

Diapers: Newborn

You are a very healthy, happy baby!  At your 2 week appointment, we ended up seeing Dr. Wright instead of Dr. Fink because he was out of town, but she was very pleased with your progress.  You have passed your birth weight and after a rocky start with jaundice, everything looks great now!  

You are an exclusively breastfed baby and you love your milk!  This is one thing that has been so much easier the 2nd time around.  I'm much more confident and know what I am doing and how to fix small little hiccups along the way because I had plenty of practice with your sister.  We introduced you to a bottle around 3 weeks just so mommy had the option of going out for a few hours and you took it like a champ.  Your daddy loves to give you a bottle a couple times a week in the evening once your big sis is in bed and it's just the 3 of us, it's your quiet daddy-daughter bonding time!  You eat about 8-10 times a day, usually every 2-3 hours during the day and you only wake up once during the night to eat.

This is one area in which I am so thankful that you are just like your big sis!  When we came home from the hospital I was actually waking you up to eat every 4 hours and ever since we surpassed your birth weight, I no longer have to do that!  I typically feed you around 10pm and then you sleep until 5am.  I nurse you again and you sleep until 9ish.  Right now, you are sleeping in the rock n play next to our bed, but I will say we will probably move you to your own room soon.  Even though you are an amazing sleeper, you are also a noisy sleeper.  You grunt all night long and keep your mommy awake (you must get that from your daddy!)  During the day we kind of just go with the flow when it comes to naps.  We have no schedule, although I am one happy mommy when you and Addie nap at the same time.  In a few months, that will be the goal on a day to day basis, but for now I just follow your lead.

You love to be snuggled and laying on your mommy or daddy's chest is you favorite spot!  I think you would sleep there all night long if we let you!  You do great in your car seat and in the stroller, which is a lifesaver since we are always on the go with your big sis.  We are very, very lucky that you are such a laid back, easy going baby.  You love your big sister!  You love to stare at her every time she holds you and it's adorable.  The 2 of you are going to be best friends and that makes your dad and I very happy!

Like I said before you are extremely laid back and very rarely let out a cry.  Obviously being hungry is not your thing and yes you will cry to let me know it's time to eat,  but other than that you are a happy camper.  

I think you are doing a great job working to hold your head up.  You have been very alert lately and recognize your mommy and daddy's voices.  I am looking forward to when you look at us and smile, one of my favorite baby milestones.  

You are such an easy going, laid back, happy little girl.  You give the sweetest cuddles and have the most adorable facial expressions.  I absolutely love how you stretch when you first wake up, you make the most adorable face!  We are very excited to continue to get to know you and watch you become your own little person over the next couple of months, but for now we are soaking up as many newborn cuddles as we can.  If it's one thing we learned with Addie, it's that you grow up way too fast, so we are enjoying every little moment we have with you while you are so little.

Grandma and Pap Castello, Aunt Kristen, Aunt Kristie and Uncle Keith, and Brianna were all there on your birthday. Uncle Brian came to meet you the next day.  Our friends Nicole (mommy's work friend), Justin, Kristy & Addy, and Sarah and Hudson also came to see you at the hospital.  Your cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox and your  Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa all had a virtual visit via FaceTime.  Since we've been home from the hospital we've loved introducing you to some more friends and neighbors.  Everyone you meet completely adores you..and I don't blame them, you're pretty cute!

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