Monday, September 21, 2015

A Letter to Grandma from Addie

Dear Grandma, 

Thank you so much for coming to hang out with Bella and I for the week, we had so much fun!  It was also nice for mommy to have some help, we keep her pretty busy so she never has time to clean the house or run errands.  Here are some of my favorite things we did while you were here:
  • I had so much fun at the zoo and thank you for letting me out of that stroller!  I try to tell my mom and dad that I'm a big girl and can walk, but they don't always let me!  I loved seeing all of the animals up close and making all of the animal noises.  Bella thought it was the perfect place to take a nap!
  • Thank you for taking me on the best walks, don't tell mommy - but I like when you walk with me because we go for a really long time and I love how you let me stop at the swings!
  • Even though I did NOT like it most of the time when you were doing my hair, I did like all of my new hair-do's.  I look pretty good in pigtails if I do say so myself.
  • It was nice of you to get up with me in the morning and let my mommy sleep.  I like that you let me watch some of my shows and let me have whatever I wanted for breakfast too!
  • I had fun showing you all of my favorite parks (minus the huge temper tantrum I had at Mt. Trashmore, sorry about that!) My favorite things to do are swing on the swings, go down the slide, and show off my gymnastic moves on the bar or rings.
  • The pool was a blast!  I got to show you all the fun things at the YMCA pool and show you how I dive.  I think I'm even better than Uncle Brian, don't you?
  • Thank you for watching Bella and I so that mommy and daddy could go on a date.  I love hanging out with them, but I know that sometimes they need to go on date-nights without us.  Plus, I like that you let me stay up past my bedtime...don't worry - I won't tell!
  • Gobble, gobble, that turkey dinner you made us was delicious.  The mashed potatoes were my favorite.  I know where mommy gets her cooking skills from now!
  • I also had a lot of fun when you watched Bella and I had my mommy and daddy all to myself at the pool.  I like Bella a lot, but sometimes I don't like sharing mommy and daddy with her.  We had a lot of fun on the pool and I even got to play with my ball!
  • Thank you for helping mommy clean the house.  I know that she is a neat freak and a clean house really makes her happy, which makes me happy too.  I'll try to clean up my toys so that it stays nice - but I can't make any promises!
  • Bella can't talk yet, but I know that if she could she would want to tell you that she had fun cuddling on the couch with you every night after I went to bed.  I'm still not sure why she gets to stay up later than I do because I am older!
  • I had fun introducing you to my friend Hudson and going to the Children's museum with him and his mom and Grandma.  I had a blast playing with the baby dolls, grocery shopping, and watching the choo-choo-trains!
Thanks again for coming to visit Grandma!  We miss you already and can't wait to see you in a few weeks for Bella's baptism.

Love, Addie

What do you mean you have to leave?!?!  Please come back soon Grandma, we miss you already!

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