Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our New Normal

It's crazy to think that Bella is almost 2 months old.  It seems like just yesterday she was still in my belly and we were anxiously awaiting her arrival.  On August 18th we welcomed our beautiful Bella into this world and in the blink of an eye her first 2 months have flown by.  It's hard for me to even think about life before Bella because she fits so perfectly into our family that it just seems like she's been with us forever.  Our new normal may be a little more chaotic and a lot nosier, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Our girls are the center of our world and Eric and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love our new normal!

With that being said, it's been a while since I've posted - so here is a little bit about what we have been up to lately.  During the week, the girls and I have definitely settled in.  I wouldn't say we have a "schedule" because Bella's sleeping during the day is still unpredictable, but we've gotten into our own little routine and I use that term lightly.  Being a mom of 2 under 2 means that any routine needs to have flexibility, some days may not go at all how I thought they would, but I'm okay with that.  I've mastered leaving the house with both girls by myself and we leave the house almost every morning now.  Some of our favorite things to do involve going to the park, on a play date with Addie's buddies and their moms, or even just out to run a few errands.  We all need a change of environment, so even if it is more work, it's worth it.  Addie is full of energy these days so leaving the house in the morning allows her to get out some of her "sugar" as her cousin Bryan would say.  Luckily, Bella is so easy going and is very happy in her stroller or car seat.  She is such a happy baby and is a trooper when it comes to keeping up with her sister.

The weekends is what we live for in our house - because that means Daddy is home!  Addie is a daddy's girl and with Eric being super busy with work and parent nights right now, she loves when the weekend rolls around.  We have actually been pretty busy on the weekends lately, just about every other weekend we are traveling or have visitors in town.  We spent a weekend in Raleigh a few weekends ago introducing Bella to her cousins and just hanging out, this past weekend we had our family in town to help us celebrate Bella's baptism, and we are getting ready for a trip to Pittsburgh next week.  Add in some fun family activities (with a quite a few having to be indoors due to all of the rain Joaquin , playing with choo-choo trains (as Addie would say), and lots of football and that's pretty much what we have been up to.  It's our new normal and I love every second of it!

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