Friday, October 16, 2015

Bella's Baptism

We celebrated a very special milestone last weekend in our house, Bella was baptized!  She was baptized on Sunday, October 11th at Prince of Peace Church and she was lucky enough to celebrate such a special moment with lots of special people in her life.  We had family members from SIX different cities  drive down to help us celebrate (SIX! How crazy is that?!)  Kristen flew in on Thursday night from Oxford, Ohio.  My parents and grandparents drove on Friday from Pittsburgh and Akron.  On Saturday Brian and Carla came from DC, David and Janine came from Ft. Lauderdale and Pittsburgh, and Kristie, Keith, and the kids came from Raleigh.

On Friday, Kristen and I took the girls to the park and then Eric joined us for a Mexican dinner at our favorite spot.  My parents and grandparents arrived later that evening and we just hung out at the house.  On Saturday, we took another outing to the park (Addie is very energetic these days and sitting around at home just doesn't cut it - she needs to run!)  After the park we grabbed some lunch at Panera and spent the rest of the day watching football and eating good food.  David, Janine, Brian, and Carla got here and we had not 1, but 2 birthdays to celebrate as well.  Janine's birthday was on Friday and Brian's birthday was on Saturday.  

Sunday was the big day and we celebrated at the 11am mass.  Surprisingly, both girls were on their best behavior.  Bella slept most of the time and Addie sat in the back with the rest of the family.  During the Baptism, Father invites all of the kids to come and sit around the font so they can see what's happening.  Addie did just that and as I stood up front and watched her I could not believe how grown up she looked mixed in with all of the other kids.  It's only been a little over a year since she was baptized at that very spot and she's grown leaps and bounds since then.  Where did my baby go?  It's only a matter of time before Bella will be old enough to sit with her big sister...time needs to slow down!  After mass we had a reception at a local restaurant.  We enjoyed lunch and some yummy cake, but importantly, time together with our family.  

Overall, it was a beautiful weekend full of beautiful people who all are so special to Eric, the girls, and I.  We couldn't imagine celebrating this milestone without our families and we are very thankful that they all made the trip to join us.  Needless to say it was a very memorable (and busy) weekend - I think the girls are still recovering from all of the craziness! But, craziness and all, it's a weekend that I will never forget!

I love that Addie ran up to us and joined us for Bella's big moment.

Holding my pretty girl before mass.  Bella wore the same dress as Addie did and she looked equally as adorable as Addie did on her big day.  I'm very lucky to have such beautiful little girls.

Proud parents with our beautiful Bella.

Bella's Godparents are her Aunt Kristie and Uncle David (I think he's actually her Great Uncle if he's my Uncle)

A quick picture at the church with the whole family.

Enjoying lunch and cake at Kelly's.

Addie was a trooper as this was way past her usual nap time!   

Addie loves her cousin Maddox.  He can always make her laugh!

Used a little sugar to boost her spirits..and it worked!

This is what happens when you wait too long to get a family picture.  This is the ONLY picture I have of the 4 of us from Bella's Baptism.

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