Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bella - Month 2

Weight 11 lbs 6 oz (45th percentile)
Length 22 1/2 inches (50th percentile)
Head 40 1/2 cm (80th percentile) 

Clothes:  0-3 months

Diapers: Size 1

You are a very happy and healthy baby.  We had your 2 month well check and Dr.Fink is very pleased with your progress.  You are eating, sleeping, and growing right on schedule!  At your appointment you got your first set of immunizations and although I know they are completely necessary, it breaks my heart to hear you scream.  Luckily, you quickly bounced back after an extra long nap and were back to your normal smiley self.  Our next appointment is at 4 months.

Not much has changed here, you continue to love mommy's milk!  You still eat about 8 times a day, with only 1 night time feeding...which makes for a very happy mommy. 

On a typical day you wake up around 8ish and sometimes you take a cat nap when we are out in the mornings in your car seat.  When we get home around lunch time you are ready to eat and then typically mid-afternoon is when I can get you to take a longer nap (most days!), which is amazing because that's when your sister naps.  Then you take another short nap late evening and you are usually ready for bed around 8:30-9ish.  I wake you up to feed you around 10:30 then we go to bed and you sleep until 5-6ish.

We are working on Addie's big girl room and hope to move her into it next week, which means you will finally have your very own room.  We will transition you to your crib and I'm hoping to start being able to put you down for naps and start a bedtime routine with you as well.

The swing is one of your favorite spots these days, it's where you take your long nap for the day (terrible habit I know, but if it gets you to sleep I'll take it for now!)  Momma's milk continues to be high on the list of likes as well.  This month you've also enjoyed kicking around on your play mat.  You still love to be swaddled or cuddled up close next to mommy or daddy when you sleep.  

Being hungry or tired are the only things that seem to make you upset.  

You smiled at us for the first time at 6 weeks and you have been smiling ever since then!  You are much more alert and like to work on holding your head up and looking around.  You can recognize mommy, daddy, and even Addie's voices and light up when you know that we are close by.  You've started babbling and "talking", when your big sis lets you get a word in!  I have a really cute video of you "talking" but every time you start making a noise, your sister talks over top of you.  The look on your face every time you get interrupted is priceless and I think you will quickly learned that your going to have to hold your own with your big sis.

I feel like you've changed so much over the last month.  You've gone from being a newborn to being a baby.  You are much more alert and aware of what's going on around you these days.  There's personality in your facial expressions and the conversations you have with us are adorable.  You are such an easy baby and continue to just go with the flow.  I'm looking forward to watching you become your own little person and see your personality shine through as you get older.  I'm also looking forward to watch you and your sister interact with each other, the two of you are absolutely adorable together!

This has been a busy month because we took our first road trip and we had a ton of visitors in for your Baptism.  We went to Raleigh when you were 6 weeks old and you met your cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox for the first time.  Then, we had both sides of your family in town for your Baptism and you met your great-grandparents, Uncle David and Janine, and Carla for the the first time.  We just got back from Pittsburgh and we had fun showing you off to more of our family and friends.

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