Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sisterly Love

These past 3 weeks have been very special for our family.  We welcomed Bella into our family and we have loved every minute of getting to know her and already watching her grow in the short 3 weeks that she has been with us.  Not only has Bella changed over the past couple of weeks, but our sweet Addie girl has grown up as well and she has been the best big sister to our Bella.  Before we had Bella, I wasn't really sure how Addie would react.  She is only 18 months, so I anticipated her to be too busy to really care.  She lives in her own little crazy world and I wasn't sure that would change when her little sister arrived.  Boy, was I wrong!  Addie is obsessed with her little sister!  Here are some of the special moments and things I want to remember down the road about Addie's life as a big sister...

  • It was love at first sight for Addie.  She was instantly in awe of her little sister Bella.  She scanned her up and down and couldn't take her eyes off of her all day long.
  • I was so surprised how gentle Addie was the first time she held Bella (with help of course!)  Sitting still is not one of Addie's favorite things to do, but she sat there and was so proud of herself!  She pointed out Bella's eyes and nose and was obsessed with her tiny fingers and tiny toes. 

  • When Addie wasn't holding Bella at the hospital, she was busy taking care of her baby doll (which was the special gift she got from Bella.)  She became a pro at giving her baby her pacifier and feeding her the baby bottle.  Addie, I think you were getting ready to help mommy when we got home from the hospital.

And when you weren't holding Bella or taking care of your baby doll, you were eating Cheez-its!
  • Addie LOVES to love on her baby sister.  She gives her hugs and kisses all day long and it melts my heart!  

  • Addie was anxiously awaiting our arrival with Grandma and Aunt Kristen when we got home from the hospital.  They decorated the house and were waiting in the driveway when we got there.  Addie was so excited to see us and so thrilled when she saw that Bella came home with us.  

  • Ever since we have been at home, Addie continues to amaze me.  She is so gentle and loving towards her sister.  Every time she sees her she lets out an adorable "awwww..."  She is very patient and doesn't really mind if she has to wait because I am nursing Bella or changing her diaper.  
  • One of Addie's favorite things to do is hold her baby sister.  She will climb up on the couch, put the boppy in her lap, and hold her arms out and point to Bella to tell us that she wants to hold her.  She giggles and smiles the entire time, it's adorable!
  • Addie gets very concerned when Bella cries.  Bella's a pretty laid back baby and rarely cries, unless she's hungry.  The second she makes any sort of noise, Addie puts her hands on her face and in a very concerned voice says, "oh no!" 
  • Addie is always looking out for her little sister.  If she sees that her pacifier fell out of her mouth, she instantly tries to put it back in her mouth for her. 

Addie, you are such a great big sister and your Daddy and I are so proud of you!  We hope you enjoy your "big sister" toys as much as you enjoy being a big sister to Bella.  We love you more than you will ever know Addie girl!

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