Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December Happenings

The holiday season is upon us and we are celebrating as much Christmas as we can in the month of December.  Our stockings are hung by the chimney with care, the tree is full of pretty lights, garland, and "balls" as Addie says, and we are having so much fun creating family memories with the girls.  Addie's eyes light up at the sight of Christmas lights and there's not a Christmas carol out there that doesn't put a smile on her face and give her the urge to dance.  She's perfected her "Ho Ho Ho" and thinks Daddy is silly when he wears his Santa hat.  We've visited Santa from afar and aren't quite sure how we feel about the whole thing yet.  On the other hand, Bella is changing on a daily basis.  She loves to sit up in her bumbo and look around, especially at the Christmas lights.  She smiles from ear to ear as soon as she sees a familiar face and babbles and coo's all day long.  I cannot explain how much more magical this time of year is once you start to see the holiday spirit through the eyes of your children, it's one of the coolest things in the world and we are loving every minute of soaking it all in.  Here are a few of my favorite photos from December Happenings in the Harvell Household...

Light Up Night at Town Center with Grandma, Pap, & cousin Bryan

Addie was in awe of all of the Christmas spirit all around her

She danced around the Christmas tree with Grandma and it was adorable

Daddy helped her reach for the "ball" on the tree

Picking out our tree and hanging the ornaments

Addie loved reaching up really high to hang her ornaments.

Holiday cuties in their Red & Green

What happened to my baby?  Bella's first time in the bumbo.

I love the look on Bella's face in this picture, priceless.

Bella's 1st Christmas

Holiday Lights at the Botanical Gardens "Choo-Choo!"

Riding the tram to look at the lights.

A fun night with some amazing friends.

Christmas cookies and crafting play date

December play date full of paint, playing, and yummy cookies.

Santa's Seaside Village & Lights at the Boardwalk

The rainbow lights at the Boardwalk.  Addie loved sitting up front in mommy's lap to get a better view!

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