Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Swings, Slides, and Sun!

I can't believe that it is almost Christmas and the weather is still in the 70s!  I'm not complaining though because with Addie's never ending energy, the beautiful weather has allowed us to spend a lot of time at the park over the past couple of weeks.  Addie loves running around, swinging, and going weeee down the slide as she would say, while Bella and I love getting some fresh air and Vitamin D....it's a win win for everyone!  There are so many fun parks near our house, we have too many favorites to name.  The fall leaves have provided hours of entertainment because Addie loves to throw them over her head and jump in them.  I can't wait to see how Addie reacts to snow this winter, if it ever gets could enough to snow that is!  Until then, the Harvell's are enjoying every minute of our beautiful weather!

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