Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Santa 2015

Christmas for little ones just isn't complete without a visit (or three) with the big man right?  You know, the big, old man with the white beard and red suit who always has a jolly smile on his face, SANTA CLAUS himself!  Kids line up to sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas, they smile for a picture to make mom and dad happy, and then their day is made...or not.

Addie knows who Santa Claus is.  We've read books about him, Daddy wears his silly Santa sweater and red Santa hat, and Addie has the cutest little "Ho, Ho, Ho."  I knew Addie would be a little hesitant when it came to seeing Santa this year.  I thought if we eased into it, that maybe, just maybe, I would be able to help her overcome her fear and sit for that precious Santa photo....and boy I couldn't have been any more wrong.  See, toddlers and Santa go together like water and oil.  They just don't mix...at least our toddler!  Addie loves to smile at him and blow kisses and even give him a jolly "Ho, Ho, Ho" from afar, but the second we get anywhere close to him she freaks out!  I'm talking kicking, screaming, tears, boogers...she is NOT a fan!  But, even with that being said, we've still had fun seeing Santa not once, but three times this year and yes, I will treasure every picture we have of our happy little newborn sitting next to our terrified toddler on Santa's lap.

Santa at River Walk

The first time we went to see Santa was in our neighborhood.  They had cookies and hot chocolate, Santa read stories and sang songs, then came the dreaded photo.  Addie held onto Eric for dear life, but we snapped that photo anyways.  Afterwards, Addie had fun running around with her friends, dancing to the music, and they may or may not have even tried stealing Santa's "sleigh" as we were leaving.

Addie is such a social butterfly, she is always so happy when she is around other kids!
Stories and songs with Santa 
Bella's 1st Christmas
Family photo
Official Santa Pic #1 
Fun with friends 
Highjacking Santa's "sleigh"
Breakfast with Santa

Next up was another fun event, brunch with Santa at our friends house.  The big man himself made an appearance for about an hour...and we spent most of that hour in a completely different room.  Every once in a while we would go to the room where Santa was and wave to him and blow him kisses, getting closer and closer every time.  Addie had a smile on her face and gave him the cutest "Ho, Ho, Ho!"  I'm not going to lie, I was getting hopeful that she might be okay this time sitting on his lap.  We waited until the very end and we watched a few of the other kids take their turn and even got a picture of just Bella for her 1st Christmas.  Then it was Addie turn to join her sister and cue the kicking and screaming child.  All and all it was a blast, but we were 0-2 with the Santa encounters.

Such a pretty smile :)
Official Santa pic #2
I love this picture that my friend Katy captured of Bella and I.
Santa at the Mall

Last but not least, was our annual visit to MacArthur Center.  Addie loves their winter wonderland set up that they have.  She had a blast dancing and jumping in the "snow" and loved pointing at all the animals, polar bears, penguins, etc.  We went first thing in the morning on a Monday, so there was no line, which was perfect because we let Addie play for a little and snapped some pictures with Bella since it is her 1st Christmas.  We had yet another failed attempt at sitting on Santa's lap, but we did make progress.  We did get her to sit next to him by herself and look at the camera...so I think that's a success!  
She was so excited and loved the "snow!"  I can't wait to see what she thinks of the real thing this winter!
Proud momma and daddy with our beautiful Bella
Official Santa pic #3

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