Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bella - 5 months

Weight, Length, Head next well check at 6 months

Clothes:  3-6 months

Diapers: Size 2

It seems like you have had a constant runny/stuffy nose this month now that we are finally getting some colder weather.  Luckily, it doesn't seem to bother you that much and you are still you happy, smiley self.

You are still exclusively breastfed about 5 times a day and probably a little spoiled in this department.   Since I stay at home now we were slacking a little bit on giving you a bottle, therefore you started to boycott the whole idea.  You knew what you wanted and kicked and screamed if we tried anything else.  We've been working with you though and giving you a bottle about every other day.  Practice (and a lot of patience) pays off and you are finally taking the bottle again..wooohooo!  I'm hoping to start introducing solids in the next week or two, so stay tuned to see how that goes!

We have transitioned you to your crib and you did amazing!  There was a night or 2 of a few more wake-ups than normal, but that's it.  I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was.  You love your crib and spin around constantly when you are in there, it's adorable.  Even though where you sleep has changed, your sleeping habits haven't and I'm thankful for that.  You still wake up between 7-8.  On a typical day you take 2-3 naps, your afternoon nap is still the longest.  The other 2 are usually cat naps on the go or in your swing.  You go to bed every night around 7:30 and sometimes will wake up for a 5am feeding, sometimes you sleep until it's time to get up.

You are obsessed with your hands and your toes right now.  If you don't have them in your mouth, chances are you are blowing bubbles or making baby babbles and squeals.  You love to sit in your excersaucer that we got out this month or in your new anywhere chair you got for Christmas.  The Halo Sleepsack has been a lifesaver now that you are sleeping in your crib and no longer swaddled.  It keeps you warm and cozy while you are sleeping.  As long as you are wrapped up in your sleepsack and have your pacifier, you are one happy camper!  Although I'm convinced that taking your pacifier out of your mouth is one of your favorite pastimes because you know that I will come in to help you put it back in, you are one smart cookie!  The swing is another one of your favorite spots, especially when we go to the YMCA because they have the same one we have at home.  Addie continues to be your favorite person in the whole world and you grin from ear to ear the second you see her or hear her nearby and she is equally infatuated with you.

You are not a happy camper when I get anywhere close to your nose!  Bottles are tolerable now, but still not your favorite thing.

-You are starting to laugh a little bit.  It's not an all out giggle yet, but you are so close!
-I know that you are going to roll over any day now because you are constantly on your side.
-You sat up in your excersaucer for the first time this month and have started interacting with your toys on it.  You also kick and grab the toys on your play mat.
-We celebrated your first Christmas!  Addie helped you open up your presents and you were obsessed with watching your big sis run around and play with all of her new toys.  She really is quite the entertainer!

Bella you are such a sweet little girl.  Your smile lights up any room you are in and you give the best baby snuggles.  You are absolutely infatuated with your sister and I can only imagine what you are thinking as you watch her every move.  You smile when she gives you hugs and kisses, you smile when she tries to dance with you, you even smile when she "shares" her toys with you/lays them on top of you!  I'm still convinced that you are the most laid back, easiest baby ever and we are pretty much the luckiest parents ever to not have one, but two amazing little girls that we get to call our own.  We love you to the moon and back Bella bean!

The holidays meant for lots of time with friends and family.  We spent an extra long weekend in Pittsburgh where you got to see lots of Castello's, met Aunt Leah for the first time, and spend time with the Hendry's.  

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