Sunday, January 3, 2016

Pittsburgh Top 10

We spent an extra long weekend before Christmas in Pittsburgh to celebrate the holidays.   Our days were jam packed with family, friends, food, and fun!  There were so many fun memories from our trip this year that I thought I would create a little top 10 list in order to share some of our favorites:

Cousin love!
  • Eric and I had a date night - Pittsburgh Style.  We went to an awesome Steeler game followed by a super yummy dinner at one of our favorite spots, while the girls spent the night with Aunt "T", Pap, and Grandpa at a Christmas party.

  • Santa encounters #4 & #5 - We all know Addie's not a fan this year, but that didn't stop us from having more Christmas fun while we were in Pittsburgh.  When we woke up on Saturday morning Santa came to visit on a fire truck and give the kids treats and then Tuesday evening we went to dinner and to visit Santa at the mall with Kristen, Pap, and Grandma.  The first encounter was much like the rest, lots of screaming and tears, but we saved the best for last...all we needed was Aunt "T" to help us get some smiles from Addie!  Mission complete, until next year!

  • Addie got her 1st hair cut!  My Aunt Judy has a beauty salon nearby and we took her to get her 1st hair cut.  Addie sat in my lap and we had plenty of distractions to help her sit still.  She looks so grown up with her new hair do :)

  • We spent a really fun night with the Hendry's.  The kids had a blast playing, watching the choo-choo train, and just being adorable.  We always have fun catching up with Julie, Todd, and Max.

  • We got to introduce Bella to Aunt Leah for the 1st time!  The girls both love her and they both give Aunt Leah the best smiles!

  • Celebrating Christmas, not once but twice, with the girls and family was a blast.  On Saturday night, my mom had my Dad's side of the family over for dinner and presents.  Sunday morning, we woke up and celebrated again with Pap, Grandma, Kristen, Great-Grandma, and Great- Grandpa.  The girls are so lucky to have so many amazing people in their lives who love to spoil them!  

  • We had some down time Monday morning, so we decided to spend the morning at the Children's Museum.  I'm not sure who had more fun...Addie or Eric or Kristen, it was a blast all around.  Addie was obsessed with painting!  She painted 2 pictures and also had a lot of fun water painting on the chalkboard.

  • Christmas isn't complete without sugar cookies.  Addie loves to help and of course loves to taste test as well!

  • Watching the dynamic duo of T (which is what Addie calls Kristen)  and Addie is always fun.  Addie is obsessed with Kristen and I think Kristen is equally obsessed with Addie.  They had sleepovers, played with all of her toys, and were inseparable the entire time.

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