Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Having SNOW much fun...

"Look Mommy, Look!"  We woke up Saturday morning with one very excited little girl because it SNOWED!  To many of my northerner friends and family, the 6 inches of snow may not be that impressive, but our beach town doesn't get to see this powdery white stuff very often so it is A.BIG.DEAL.  The kind of big deal where life literally stops.  Chesapeake, Virginia becomes a ghost town and everything closes, grocery stores, drugstores, banks, malls, etc.  People don't go to school, they don't go to work, they don't go anywhere.  One of two things happens:  they either hide out in the warmth of their house by the fire (what Eric and I would have done pre-kids) OR if they have young children or really children of any age, they bundle up and get outside.  And that is just what we did and how CUTE do those little marshmallows look! 

We invited our neighbors over to play in the snow and it was SNOW much fun!  The big kids smiled and giggled the entire time as their dads got an unexpected workout of pulling them around in their sleds.  Hey, when you don't have hills around you, you have to get creative!  We had races, snapped pictures, threw snowballs at each other, and had the cutest little peanut gallery watching the entire time from their laundry basket chairs.  The little ones didn't like the cold (or the wind) so much, but they were pretty entertained by the big kids (and so was I!)  Afterwards, we all warmed up inside with some hot chocolate by the fire while the kids continued to run off the rest of their energy. 

We went in and out several times that first day to play in the snow.  When we weren't outside Addie opened the sliding glass door almost hourly to touch the snow, not to mention she asked about every 5 minutes when she could go sled riding again!  As she went to bed that night she reminded us that "this was the best day ever!" and was so excited to play in the snow again when she woke up.  With that being said, I think our first Virginian snow day of the year was a complete success!

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