Saturday, January 14, 2017

Baby Bump - Month 5

How far along? 22 weeks

Gender:  It's a BOY

Feeling: Still feeling pretty good in the "honeymoon" phase of pregnancy.  This is the first pregnancy I've worked out consistently and even though I may not run as fast or lift as much, it still makes me feel good.  I've started doing Pi-yo occasionally and the stretching is amazing.  By the end of the day though, I am still pretty exhausted and I look forward to 8pm when the girls are in bed and I can finally put my feet up.  Heartburn and body aches are my biggest complaints these days.  Luckily, neither has interfered with sleeping yet.

Addie is very excited to meet her baby brother.  The other day she was very insistent that she wanted to meet him NOW.  She couldn't understand why she has to wait a few more months, but stay put baby boy, stay put.  We aren't ready for you to make your grand entrance quite yet.
"Wait mom, WHAT does that say?!?"  Bella may not share the same enthusiasm as Addie yet and will probably have the biggest adjustment, but she is so sweet and will be the best big sister to her baby brother. 
This picture totally sums up how they each feel about having another baby in our family and it cracks me up!

All about Food:  I'm still loving fruit, soup & salads, and anything Italian!  I have a new love for pimento cheeseburgers with extra pickles....seriously amazing and should be added to everyone's menu ASAP.  I've finally been able to drink coffee again and mom life is so much better with coffee in it.

Favorite moments:

-Finding out that Baby #3 is a BOY!  We are beyond thrilled and I especially can't wait to turn him into a 100% mama's boy :)
-Seeing our handsome boy and every little part of him at our 20 week ultrasound was amazing.
-I've only bought a few outfits for our little man, but it is so much fun to shop in another section of the store.  I love all the plaid, boat shoes and nautical themed outfits, and little swim adorable.
-I love how Addie says goodnight to her baby brother every night and kisses my belly.  It's so sweet.

Looking forward to:  

-Finalizing our baby boy's name and starting to get things ready for him!  We are planning on fixing the nursery into a vintage baseball theme, after Daddy's love for baseball of course.  Addie and Bella will share the big girl room.  Let the to-do lists begin.....
-Aloha!  Eric and I are going to Hawaii for a Jostens rewards trip turned babymoon.  I am excited for fun in the sun, virgin mojitos by the pool. and a little lot of relaxation before the little man comes.
-Next month, we will officially have a 3 year old and an 18 month old....bring on the smiles and tears all at the same time.  These babies need to SLOW DOWN.

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