Thursday, February 2, 2017

That's MY Sister!

Over the past couple of weeks, these 2 have grown into the absolute best of friends and at times maybe worst enemies - but for today we are going to focus on the best friend part : ) It may not be flower season yet according to Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog day, but their bond is blossoming and I am reminded on a daily basis why Eric and I chose to have two kids so close in age.  Addie reminds me "that's MY sister" quite frequently and our on the go Bella is constantly reaching for her big sister's hand for some support.  They cook and clean together, love to play with play-doh, take care of their baby dolls, chase each other around the kitchen island,  and snuggle up next to each other during our weekly movie nights.  They are inseparable and I love it!

Addie looks at Bella with the sweetest eyes and is always watching over her as a protective older sister.  Although some times Addie is the person she actually needs protection from, how ironic is that?!?  MOST of the time though she is so gentle and caring and is looking out for her little sister with the best of intentions, grabbing her hand to help her walk to the car, finding her pacifier when she's crying, sneaking them both extra snacks, or telling me she needs medicine because her teeth are hurting.   When Bella is upset, she cracks me up with her "Ohhh Bella, you'll be fine" comments, I wonder where she gets that?!?  Addie is a second little momma around our house and it's funny to hear her use phrases with Bella that Eric and I have maybe said a few (hundred) times with her.  Some more of my favorites are "It's time to go night, night Bella, when you wake up you can have a surprise!" and "Bella, we have to be nice or you are going to go sit in time out."  

Bella on the other hand, watches her big sister like a hawk!  She follows her around trying to do exactly what she is doing.  Our couch is currently their favorite toy in the house and is apparently much more fun to jump on than the actual trampoline we have in the sunroom.  The two of them run back and forth, tackling each other, and laughing the entire time.  I'm honestly not sure why we have a playroom when they would much rather jump on the couch all day long!  Bella looks to Addie for help when she is doing something new.  We let Bella help us make cookies a few weeks ago and Addie was the perfect little model showing Bella exactly how to mix (and how to taste the cookie dough!)  I think Bella will also become a second little momma once her baby brother comes because she loves to help me wash Addie's hair during bath time, which she thinks is hilarious, and follows right behind Addie with her baby doll and blanket to tuck them into bed.  

Oh sweet girls, I hope you continue to always appreciate one another.  You have a built in best friend in a sister and you are very lucky to have one another!  I am one proud momma when I watch the two of you together and I couldn't be more excited to see what the future will bring :)

Addie is a pro in the kitchen and Bella is her chef in training!

"No pictures Mommy!"  Looks familiar :)

I love Addie's eyes in this picture..

and Bella's in this one...the way they look at one another is my favorite!

Bella must be artistically gifted, she's not even 2 and already able to stay in the lines while she is coloring :)

All ready to listen to their baby brother's heart beat at Mommy's doctor's appointment.

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