Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Addie's Pizza & Movie Night

We decided to have a fun Pizza and Movie night themed party for Addie's 3rd birthday this year.  When we asked Addie what kind of party she wanted, we always got a color response "I want a blue party or I want a yellow party" and even though we gave her ideas, no theme seemed to stick for her.  Then, Eric and I decided to brainstorm about things she likes and came up with Pizza & Movies.  We watching movies together frequently and she loves to cuddle up in her sleeping bag and eat popcorn.  When it comes to favorite foods, pizza is at the top of her list and she loves to cook.  So a fun, colorful Pizza & Movie night is was and it was so much fun to plan and the perfect theme for our sweet Addie girl.

We kept the details simple and I kind of hit the jackpot at the Target dollar bins!  They had the cutest banners, mini party hats, and cake toppers.  They were perfect and Addie had so much fun picking things out for her birthday party - and it was nice on the wallet as well.  Add in a bunch of balloons and some personalized aprons and chef hats from Oriental Trading and we were set!

The cutest chef hats for the cutest chefs - under 70 cents each!

We continued the tradition of having her party guests write a little note for her in a book, this year it was "Curious George and the Pizza Party." We also had popcorn bins for the kids from the dollar store!

Photo booth fun with some cute Pizza sayings!

Addie loved helping me make her pink sprinkle cake!

I covered the table with brown paper (easy cleanup) and added lots of pizza topping and a pizza crust for each kid.  They also got their own personalized apron (Oriental Trading - $1 each) and chef hat, that doubled as their party favor!

A few pre-party photos, she was SO excited for her birthday party!

Aunt T even came to visit for the weekend!
We had so much fun with Addie's friends and they made the most adorable little chefs....

Even though they looked the part in their chef gear, they still needed some parent assistance.  But, the pizzas were a hit and the kids loved eating their finished products.

Addie had so much fun opening her presents this year.  She was spoiled with twirl dresses, baby doll items, princess everything, and the most adorable pink tool set.  Eric and I got her the cutest teepee that has a little chandelier in it and her special request of a tea party set.  All in all, she is one lucky girl and is very thankful for all of her gifts!

These 3 were adorable in their princess gear and high heels!

Having a tea party in her new teepee, wearing her Elsa dress - that is one happy little girl!

While the kids were watching "Finding Dory" the adults even had some fun in the photo booth :)

Chambray for the win!

Future BFFs

At least the guys liked the stick on mustaches I bought for the kids!

The look on her face says it all, she is one happy girl while everyone is singing Happy Birthday to her. She was even happier when she got to eat her pink sprinkle cake and ice cream :)

We ended the night with the kids all cuddled up on the couch in their sleeping bags watching Finding Dory and eating popcorn.  

Addie's Pizza and Movie night was SO much fun all around, the planning, preparation, and party itself were absolutely perfect.  Addie was smiling from ear to ear the entire time and was the happiest little birthday girl around.

Happy 3rd Birthday Addie girl, we love you to the moon and back!

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