Thursday, February 23, 2017

Valentine's Day

This year, we celebrated LOVE day a little early since Eric and I would be in Maui on Valentine's Day.  I hosted a super fun Valentine's Day play date for Addie and Bella with their friends.  We had a waffle bar and yogurt parfaits, a cute "I love you to pieces" themed craft, and decorated Valentine's Day boxes for the kids to use to pass out their Valentine's.  Of course Addie picked Frozen themed Valentines this year for her friends!  We had a fun filled morning celebrating with some of our favorite people - even the group picture doesn't appear that way!

On February 14th, we Facetimed with Addie and Bella while their opened their little gifts from Mommy and flowers from Daddy.  Then, instead of going to our fancy dinner we had planned we ended up hanging out on the beach and watching the sunset, followed by ordering pizza for dinner.  It was low-key and perfect - I mean we were in Maui and it doesn't get much better than that!

Happy (belated) LOVE day friends!

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