Monday, February 20, 2017

Baby Bump - Month 6

How far along?  (almost) 28 weeks, better late than never though, right?!?

Gender:  It's a BOY

Feeling: I feel like my honeymoon days of pregnancy will soon be coming to an end.  The heartburn has started up again (I've had it with all 3 pregnancies and it's pretty rough this time around), occasional headaches and the return of the "I'm starving and beyond exhausted all day long feeling" - all of which make it very interesting trying to keep up with 2 very active toddlers.  Oh May, you can't come soon enough!  

All about Food:  I can't get enough strawberries and blueberries, salads, and coffee - I think I could live on just those couple of things these days!  I've also been known to sneak some of Addie and Bella's mac and cheese on occasion.  Also, my sweet tooth is back in full force - I would do just about anything for some smores cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, my definition of heaven on a plate :)  Another favorite dessert is Hula pie we discovered in Maui - although I'm not sure how I'll get my hands on that anytime soon!

Favorite moments:
-All of a sudden (probably due to my not so little baby bump) it has clicked with Addie that we are having a baby.  She very eagerly tells people all of the time that she is having a baby brother soon and can't wait to help change his diapers, give him a bottle, and put him night night.  It is so adorable and I know she is going to be the best little helper when her baby brother arrives.
-Completely off topic, but this little boy's Daddy was awarded "Salesman of the YEAR" with Jostens!!! We couldn't be more proud!  We were sad we missed watching him go up on stage and receive his award, but we welcomed him home with a handmade sign, cookies, and lots of hugs and kisses.
- I took Addie and Bella with me to one of my appointments because Daddy had a meeting and I knew it would be a quick visit.  Addie made sure that both she and Bella had their stethoscopes ready to help the doctor listen to their brothers heartbeat - how cute is that?!?  As we were leaving the office, Addie said "Mommy you were so brave at the doctor's, Daddy is going to be so proud of you" and my heart melted.  She is the sweetest!
-Last, but not least, I think we decided on little man's name - stay tuned for the reveal!
-Eric's rewards trip, turned BABYMOON in Maui!  We had 7 full days of sun, sand, and relaxation, just what the doctor ordered before we become a family of 5!  More details to come...
-We celebrated (and celebrated and celebrated) Addie turning 3 this past month!  She is the one that made me a mommy and I can't believe she is already 3 years old!

Looking forward to:  
-Getting started on plans for little man's nursery and the girls' shared big girl room.
-Prepping for our little man's arrival, time is flying by and it's about time I get started on my to-do list
-We are taking a little mini-vacation to Great Wolf Lodge next week, just the 4 of us, and I think the girls are going to have a BLAST!

Different babies, different bellies

Little man enjoying the sights on the Road to Hana in Maui!

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