Tuesday, January 10, 2017

It's a BOY

We planned our big reveal during our trip to Pittsburgh for the holidays.  Luckily, I was able to schedule my anatomy scan a few days early.  Our appointment was on the day we were leaving for Pittsburgh, which meant we only had to hold on to the envelop with our answer in it for just over 24 hours.  The anticipation was KILLING me as we drove 8 long hours with the envelop stashed away in the glove compartment.  But we never peaked, I promise.

We decided on a confetti reveal and I purchased a balloon with both the pink and blue confetti on the side.  One of my sister's good friends was nice enough to come by the house, pick up the balloon with both colors of confetti, and "the envelop" and go prep our surprise for us.  As an added bonus, this same friend also got a super nice, brand new Nikon camera from Santa and offered to snap a few pics for us.  Shoutout to Kasey, you're the best!

It was FINALLY go time.  The balloon was filled, Kasey had the BEST poker face on as she was the only one that knew our big secret, the lighting was tested for pictures, and family was gathered outside for our big moment.......

IT'S A BOYYYYY!!!!!  We could not be more excited (and clearly shocked) that Baby #3 is a boy!  We absolutely love our little girls, but can't wait to venture in to the world of boys.  Bring on the dirt, baseball caps, trucks and trains, we are ready for you!  It's a little extra special since this sweet boy will also be able to carry on the Harvell name in the future.    

And here's one more of our handsome little boy, we can't wait to meet you in a few short months!

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