Friday, June 2, 2017

A Recap of our Hospital Stay

I absolutely love everything about the whole birth experience.  Noah is my 3rd child and the 3rd time I've been lucky enough to deliver at Sentara Leigh Hospital.  Everyone at Sentara Leigh is wonderful, from the nurses, to the doctors, to the custodial crew, they are the best! I have had some nurses from since the beginning with Addie and some of my nurses were new this time around, but whether familiar faces or completely new they gave Noah and I amazing care while were there and I couldn't be more grateful.  We stayed a total of 3 nights this time around and shared some wonderful first memories with our little man while we were there. Here's a little recap of our hospital stay:


Noah, you are already one very lucky little guy that is so loved.  Love filled our room every single day as friends and family stopped by to meet you for the very first time and soak up some newborn cuddles.  On your birthday, your sisters, Grandma, Pap, and Aunt Kristen celebrated with us.  We also had your youngest visitor, Molly, come visit was only 8 days brand new and the daughter of our very good friends and neighbors, Sarah and Marshall.  Sarah and I were due only 3 days apart, so it was so fun to see our outside babies together for the very first time.  Kathy, Sarah's mom, also stopped by for a few birthday cuddles.  The next morning, Noelle and Emma stopped by to see us, followed by more of the Riverwalk crew, Kristy and Justin.  

Your Progress:

Nothing makes a mom more happy than a happy, healthy little baby and that's exactly what you were.  Every little test they gave you or scores they took, you passed with flying colors.  When you were born though, we discovered that you have a different blood type than I do, just like your sisters.   Not a major concern, but it does put you at a higher risk for jaundice.  Both of your sisters also had jaundice, Addie's was very mild so we kept an eye on it but never needed to put her under the lights.  Bella, on the other hand, spent 4 days/nights working on her "baby tan" before we were able to get her levels under control and go home.  This time around, my goal was feed you and feed you and feed you to keep your levels under control and prevent you from spending time in the nursery under the lights - and it worked!  I also took advantage of the sunlight and you took a few naps by the window to help with your levels too.  Our efforts worked and you were able to spend your time in the hospital in our room, with me, which I loved!  We also had to check your blood sugar several times because of your size, but you passed each time with flying colors.  Addie loved to hold your hand and tell you to be brave every time they pricked your little heel and it was so sweet.  

My Recovery:

The first 2 days of your life went by so fast!  We were all on cloud 9 and so excited that we finally got to meet you.  Addie was happy that you "finally came out of mommy's belly" and so was I!  My recovery went very smoothly those first couple of days.  The first day, I was able to get up and go for a short walk.  By the second day I was even a little stronger and able to walk a little faster and a little farther than the day before.  I was also able to get up and shower, which made me feel so much better.  By the third day, I was able to stroll through the halls with Addie, who loved taking pictures around the labor and delivery unit with her camera.  My milk started coming in by that third night and you were a happy little guy.  By the time we left, you and I were making a good team and even though we were still learning together I felt pretty confident about our breastfeeding future.  On the day we left the hospital you ended up losing 8 ounces, but that was within the acceptable range so we weren't concerned and knew you would gain it back fast.

Mother's Day:

We spent my very 1st Mother's Day as a mom of THREE in the hospital and it was perfect.  Your dad and sisters came by first thing in the morning and brought me coffee and presents.  We laughed and played and cuddled you for about an hour before the meltdowns began.  We experienced all three of you screaming at the same time for the very first time and your Dad and I actually laughed a little wondering what we got ourselves into.  Daddy took your sisters home and you and I had a quiet afternoon taking turns napping and feeding.  That evening, Daddy came back and brought me dinner and enjoyed some quiet time with us in the hospital, toddler-free.  

Heading Home:

We arrived home from the hospital on Monday, May 15th around noon to a house of very excited little girls.  Grandma, Addie, and Bella painted a welcome home sign and were jumping around waiting for us in the driveway when we pulled in.  We snapped a few pictures, followed by lots of holding baby Noah, "petting" his head gently, and tickling his toes.  Your sisters just could not get enough of you and were so happy you were home!  Lots of hugs for mommy and daddy too because they were also very happy that we were home too.  I was feeling pretty good by this point, although I was still on my pain meds around the clock, but I was excited to be able to continue my recovery in my own house.  The hospital staff and nurses are wonderful, but nothing beats being at home with your family.  We were lucky enough that Grandma was staying with us for the week to help take care of the girls and let us adjust to our new life as a family of FIVE.

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