Monday, June 12, 2017

Noah Ryan - Month 1

Here are your numbers from your 2 week well check
WEIGHT: 9 pounds 8 ounces (70th percentile)
at birth - 9 pounds 5 ounces
LENGTH: 22.4 inches (95th percentile)
at birth - 21 3/4 inches
HEAD: 36 centimeters (26th percentile)

-much more alert when you are awake
-working really hard to hold your head up
-starting to "coo" or tell stories, especially to your big sisters

You surpassed your birth weight at your two week appointment and are growing right on schedule, which makes me one happy momma.  At the end of this month we have to take you to the urologist to check your kidneys based on some information that was found at my 20 week ultra sound, so fingers crossed it has corrected itself and you pass your tests.  Over these last couple of days, you've been fighting a little bit of a stuffy nose, but our humidifier is working it's magic and helping you through the night.  Hopefully, it will completely clear up soon because you are one noisy sleeper right now just like your daddy!

This boy loves to eat and is pretty good at it.  We had a solid start to our breastfeeding journey because my milk started coming in before I even left the hospital.  When we got home from the hospital you were eating every 2-3 hours during the day and night, but since then you have been able to trade out your frequent night time feedings for some clustering in the evenings which allows you to last much longer at night, usually 6+ hours.   You are very efficient and only nurses 15-20 minutes at a time and love a good burp before I lay you back down.  We did have a little hiccup in our journey when I got a very painful crack in my left side that eventually led to only being able to pump from that side and feed you from the other.  When I was ready to nurse you on the left side again, you must not have been eating as efficiently as I needed you to and it led to a very rough 2 days of mastitis.  Luckily, it went away as quickly as it came on and we are all back to normal.  We introduced you to the bottle a few days ago and so far so good!  Daddy or Aunt Kristen give you your evening bottle and you usually eat 4-5 ounces at a time. 

We are still loving the sleepy newborn phase of you sleeping anywhere at anytime.  It's glorious :)  I have noticed recently that you seem to take a pretty solid nap about 2 times a day, late morning and late afternoon, with several cat naps in between.  You love to sleep in your swing, lay on a blanket (preferably at the beach), or your current favorite nap time spot is Aunt Kristen's arms.  At night time you are all about being swaddled tightly in your swaddle me blankets and getting cozy in your rock and play.  You usually nurse for the last time between 9-10pm and then sleep until 4-5am.  You go back to bed until anywhere between 8-10am, depending on what we are doing and if I have to wake you up to eat before we leave for the morning.

You love your pacifier, being held and swaddled, your swing, and momma's milk.  Right now, bath time is not your favorite, but I hope that changes soon.  You are also not a fan of having your nose suctioned out when needed.

I'm actually afraid to put this in writing, but you are such an easy baby.  You fit right into our crazy family and I am lucky that you are willing to just go with the flow.  As long as you have a full belly, you are one chill little guy and I love that about you!

-It was love at first sight from the moment I laid eyes on you!  You had the chubbiest little cheeks and a full head of dark hair, such a handsome little man and I'm lucky to call you my son.
-My heart exploded the first time I saw you and your sisters together.  Addie and Bella were so excited to meet you and they couldn't get enough of you, they still can't!  I love how Addie tells you good morning every single day and is always willing to help.  She gets you your pacifier, loves to hold you, helps me burp you, and is even willing to help change and throw away a dirty diaper.  She is your second little mommy and it is adorable.  Bella loves to point and smile at you.  She is also a big helper, especially with your pacifier.  I love it when Bella walks up to you and says "tickle, tickle, tickle" as she tickles your toes.  You are a lucky little guy to have such loving little ladies in your life!
-I've loved showing you off to anyone and everyone I can.  We've been spoiled with family visitors, your Grandma and Pap, Aunt Kristen, and Uncle Brian all came to meet you, as well as lots of friends and neighbors.  Everyone you meet is as obsessed with you as I am...and I don't blame them.  You're pretty awesome! 

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