Friday, June 2, 2017

Fresh 48 - The Girls Meet Baby Noah

Our sweet boy made his grand entrance 3 weeks ago and as I think about that day I can't help but get emotional.  It was like a dream come true from start to finish.  I will never forget when I saw Noah for the very first time.  I will never forget holding him and smelling that sweet newborn smell.  I will never forget how my heart burst with joy when we introduced Addie and Bella to their baby brother.  Nothing beats having all of your kids in one room for the very first time, it is a moment that I will never forget and I am so happy that our photographer and sweet friend, Erin, was there to capture such a beautiful moment for our family.

We had been talking about it for months.  We talked about how mommy and daddy would go to the hospital and the doctors would help us have baby Noah.  We talked about how Pap and  Aunt T would bring them to the hospital to see us and meet baby Noah.  Every time we talked about Addie got so excited and said that she was going to yell "Surprise! I'm here!" when she met baby Noah for the first time.  Bella, who isn't even 2, listened to me talk about Noah but I wasn't quite sure how much she was understanding about what was about to happen.  No matter how much you try to prepare them though, you never know exactly how they are going to react that very first time they see their new sibling, but I will say in this case that it was even more perfect than I ever could have imagined.

I heard the knock at the door and saw the pitter patter of their little feet behind the curtain.  Addie was beaming from ear to ear and immediately spotted her baby brother.  Bella was equally excited as she spotted me.  As they moved closer Addie was so cute and you could tell her little mind was taking it all in.  It took Bella a little longer to warm up to the idea, but once she did she was equally interested in her baby brother.  The girls took turns holding baby Noah and were so very curious.  They held his hands, pointed out his tiny little nose and toes, and smothered him with lots of kisses.  Between her time with Noah, Addie was very concerned about me.  She watched at the nurses checked me and asked lots of questions.  She held my hand and told me to be brave and it was so sweet.  Then, after she realized I was okay, she went back to check out her baby brother.

These hospital pictures beautifully captured one of my favorite moments of all time and I can't wait to share them with Noah and the girls when they get older.  Welcome to our crew baby Noah, you are loved more than you will ever know!

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