Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Be Our Guest!

Be our Guest to the most enchanting "Beauty and the Beast" themed birthday party for our sweet Addie girl.  All of her princess dreams came true and it was magical!  We brought one of her favorite movies to life from the floating rose in our homemade cloche to the most amazing Belle cake and cupcakes to a special appearance from Belle.

This is the first year that Addie had REAL excitement for her birthday.  We started down the countdown weeks before and Addie was included in all of the party prep.  She wanted to have a Belle party and we did just that!  And it was amazing1

We kicked off her birthday weekend with cupcakes at school.  She wore her "Birthday Girl" shirt and proudly put on her birthday crown when she walked in the door.  Daddy surprised her with delivering the cupcakes and she was beyond excited, she is 100% a Daddy's girl!  The next morning, Grandma, Pap, and cousin Bryan came into town and we spent the morning at one of Addie's favorite places, the trampoline park.  We had the entire place completely to ourselves, it was so much fun!  Late that evening Kristen got here and Brian and Carla made it the next morning just in time for the party. 

The day was finally here.  It was party day and Addie was SO excited!  The house was decorated with Beauty and the Beast characters, a princess gold photo booth, and the most adorable Belle cake that was specially made for her by our good friend, Noelle.  Addie's friends started arriving dressed as the cutest little princes and princesses and Addie was literally beaming with excitement.  The kids played and ate some pizza, then it was time for our surprise.  I sat all the kids on the carpet in the family room just in time for Belle to ring our door bell.  The look on Addie's face was priceless, she was in complete shock that her absolute favorite princess of all time came to her birthday party.  For the next hour the kid's sang and twirled with Belle.  They made wishes with fairy dust, read a story, and Addie was treated like an absolute princess on her special day, which is exactly what we wanted.  Right before Belle had to get back to the Beast she helped us sing Happy Birthday and pass out cake and cupcakes.  After Belle left, Addie opened her presents and was so excited about each and every gift opened, but the bike from Grandma and Pap was the highlight!  As the party came to an end, all of Addie's prince and princess friends received their very own "chocolate" rose for "Being our guest."

It was the perfect princess party for our perfect little princess.  Happy Birthday sweet Addie girl, we love you and your twirling self to the moon and back :)

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