Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Noah - Month 11

-Happily scooting around on your butt instead of crawling.
-Sporting ONE tooth
-Showing no interest in pulling up, cruising, and/or walking
-Obsessed with throwing anything and everything you can find to the ground, followed by the cutest little "uh oh" (although it's not so cute on long road trips)
-So happy when you are in the water
-Fascinated by animals!  You get excited any time Cooper comes within reach and we went to the zoo for the first time this year and you were so excited every time you spotted an animal. 
-A sports guy, nothing speeds up your butt scoot like chasing a ball.
-Loving all of your music toys or even just a spoon and a pot or pan
-Independently eating pouches and table food, no more baby food jars over here :)
-wearing 12 month clothes and some 18 month tops for spring and size 4 diapers

Another month and another ear infection this month, poor guy!  I think you've inherited my genes and will be following in Addie's footsteps with tubes.  Since you are so happy and easy going, as soon as you start to show signs of being overly fussy I can almost guarantee it's your ears.  Other than that you've been healthy.  We got for your ONE year well check, as well as a check up with the urologist next month.   

This past month you have mastered pouches, hallelujah!  I've never been a fan of jarred baby foods because let's be honest, no one has time for that!  Being able to 100% eat independently (especially pouches) is a milestone right up there for me with being potty trained.  Life is SO much easier!  Right now you usually have a bottle around 5-6am, breakfast around 8am followed by a snack on the go and lunch and a bottle around 12-1ish before your nap.  You wake up and have another snack, followed by dinner around 6pm.  At dinner, you eat a combination of what your sisters eat and what I make for your dad and I.  Then, you usually have a bottle before bed time around 7pm.  

You're still a pretty good sleeper, this time your ear infection didn't even mess with your sleeping.  It's still hit or miss if you wake up in the middle of the night, but even when you do it's a quick wake up so that's ok.  I think you are almost ready to transition to one nap because you've been skipping your morning cat nap most of the time.  On a typical day, you wake up around 7:30-8, nap around 12 or 1 for 3+ hours usually, and then are ready for bed at 7pm.  

You are still loving balls, music toys, being outside, and bath time.  We went to the beach for the first time this year and you were totally content playing in the sand and watching the big kids run around.  You get excited any time you see a pouch or just food in general.  You are totally fascinated by animals, bubbles, and your crazy sisters.  Sitting still to change your diaper is your least favorite activity.

We love your laid back, easy going personality.  You are so content, almost all of the time (unless you have an ear infection!)  You greet any and every one you see with a smile and get attention pretty much anywhere we go.  These days you are much more aware of your surroundings and get excited at the littlest things.  I love watching you take it all in and I wish I could read your mind as you do it.  You are my favorite (almost) ONE year old out there! How is it even possible that you are almost ONE!?! I literally feeling like we were just bringing you home from the hospital yesterday.  But, with your upcoming birthday, not only is that a huge milestone in itself, but it also means your Dad and I kept 3 kids 4 and under alive and happy for almost a whole year.  High fives all around!  We even managed to keep our sanity (most of the time.)  In all honestly, we've got a good thing going these days and even though it's completely crazy at times, I've learned to love the crazy.  Life is too short and goes by way too fast to do anything but embrace the crazy and we couldn't imagine our crazy without you in it!  We love you Noah Ryan and as you continue to shed your babiness for all things toddler, we are just so so happy that we get to come along for the ride.  Happy 11 months sweet boy, the countdown to your birthday has officially begun...

-We celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day this month and had the most fun at a green themed play date with all of our little buddies. 
-It was also your first Easter.  You watched as your sisters participated in several egg hunts and even gave us a smile when you sit on the Easter bunny's lap.  On Easter weekend, your Grandma and Pap, Uncle Brian, and Carla all came to visit and you were spoiled with not just one, but three Easter baskets full of goodies.  
-I've loved spying on you and your sisters playing together.  The 3 of you have picnics, play with legos, roll the ball, and even play princesses (sorry buddy!)
-We've finally gotten some warmer weather and have been able to do some outside activities!  We've been to the botanical gardens, the zoo, Busch Gardens, and the beach for the first time this year and you loved every single one of our outings.  Lots of good people watching and lots of new experiences brought lots of smiles!

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