Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bella's HALF year update

February 18th was Bella's half birthday and I wanted to share a little update about our sweet girl.  I love looking back on my monthly updates of the kids when they were babies, but let's be real I do not have time to sit down every month and write 3 updates.  Instead, my goal is to write an update on the kids every 6(ish) or so months.

Oh Bella, I don't even know where to begin.  I'm not sure when it happened. but all of a sudden you are a kid.  You are growing by leaps and bounds (maybe not physically, yes you are still our little peanut) but growing in every other way possible.  Here's a little about our Bella bean at 2 1/2 years old..

-You are 34 inches tall and weigh only 25 pounds.  You are a petite little thing, but so cute.  Your baby brother already weighs about 22 pounds and will probably pass you up in no time :) 
-Addie is your best friend.  Yes, you fight like sisters at times but you would be lost without each other.  You look up to her and want to do everything just like her.  You are her shadow and follow her around and mimic everything she is doing.  The 2 of you love to practice ballet, play princesses, and play hide and seek.  The 2 of you are so lucky to have each other and I am lucky to be along for the ride.
-Your vocabulary is multiplying by the minute.  All of a sudden you are a little chatter box and you amaze me every day with the things that you say.  When sitting on the potty the other day you asked me to "Give you your space" and any time it's time to leave you request to "leave it right here (your toys) until we get back."
-We are toward the end of your first year of 2 year old preschool and it's been amazing.  You are so happy when you are there and that makes me happy.  I love watching you play with kids your own age and I could not be more impressed with how it's really helped you come out of your shell.  My quiet and shy little girl is becoming more confident and willing to try new things, which is huge!  Miss Janelle and Miss Katie are your teachers and you are obsessed with them.  You talk about them on a daily basis and get very upset when it is time to leave school.  I hope that you always love school as much as you do right now!
-I love how every day I ask you what you did at school and you say "I danced, Mommy" while you put your arms up and dance.  Miss Janelle and Miss Katie also seem to love your dance moves, so continue to dance your little heart out, sweet girl.
-You finally call Noah by his name and it's probably my favorite word that you say.  You've shown a lot of interest in him lately and take your "big sister" duties very seriously, especially if Addie isn't around for whatever reason.  You love to get him his paci, find him a toy, or sing him songs.  Noah is very lucky to have not only a mom, but 2 little mini-moms constantly caring for him.
-Your favorite color is red, your favorite show is Mickey Mouse, you loves shoes, and you hate socks.  You are drawn to the villains in most Disney movies - the beast, the evil stepsisters, etc. and it's so funny because you are so little, sweet, and innocent.  Your favorite book is "Five Little Monkeys" and your favorite song is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.  Donuts, pizza, bananas, and pouches are your favorite foods and you would dip everything in ranch if we let you.
-You remind me every day that, "You love all of your paci's" Yes, you still have about 5 pacifiers that you are only allowed to have when you are sleeping in your pack and play.  Yes, you sleep in a pack and play in the office that you now claim as your room every single night.  Yes, we will be working on these 2 things very soon.  You will be getting a big girl bed in the new house in your very own room, without any pacifiers allowed.  #middlechildproblems
-We moved your car seat to the back of the mini van with Addie and you think it's the best thing ever!  You request to change your clothes and diaper "by myself" and although it may take a little longer, I like the independence that you have all of a sudden.  We haven't potty trained you yet, but you have recently shown a huge interest.  You've peed and pooped on the potty several times and I'm hoping since your the second child potty training is a breeze.  Big girl status all around...what happened to my toddler?!?
-You continue to remind us of your mom-mom (Eric's mom), not only do your looks favor her, but also your habits.  You are the sweetest little thing with such a big heart, but also can be feisty, just like your mom-mom.  You are more reserved and shy at times, just like your mom-mom.  You are the slowest eater ever, just like your mom-mom.  You not only share her name (your middle name is Sherry) but also so much of her spirit and her personality and it makes us so happy.

Happy 1/2 birthday Bella bean, we love you to the moon and back :)

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