Saturday, May 31, 2014

Brian and Carla's Graduation

We went to Washington DC for Brian and Carla's Graduation from GW Law a few weekends ago.  It was yet another fun filled weekend of family fun, sightseeing, and celebrating.  Congratulations Brian and Carla, we are so proud of you guys!!!

The new GW grads in their funny hats!
We started off the weekend on an absolutely beautiful Saturday afternoon with some sightseeing.

Addie could barely contain her excitement lol

She even sported her "I love my uncle" onesie in honor of Brian's graduation.

Family photo!

My mom taking her "selfie" with Brian.  Yes, she used the term "selfie" and yes she also posted her "selfie" on Facebook minutes after this photo was taken. 

The proud parents and their (favorite?) child.  We're not sure if he still holds that title or not, I mean I did just give them the cutest granddaughter around so if that doesn't bump me up I'm not sure what will lol

Look who finally woke up!

Candid shot

"Where are my sunglasses mom I can't see!!!"

Sunday was a very busy day, but a fun day of celebrating Brian and Carla.  We left the hotel around 8am and didn't return until 11pm.  The first ceremony was at 9:30 at the National Mall, followed by about a 10 mile walk and lunch.  Then. the Law School ceremony was at 2:30pm, followed about another 10 mile walk and 100 pictures.  Lastly, we ate some tapas for dinner, walked another couple of miles and returned to the hotel.  Needless to say, we got our workout in on Sunday and I did most of it carrying a 12 pound baby in my baby carrier.  It was a fun, yet exhausting day!

Looking for a lawyer - you should probably call this guy...

It's official!

Baby selfie!

and another with the man of the hour!

The proud grandparents with their grandson in front of a pretty important building.

Sibling photo - I can't remember the last time we got a picture of the 4 of us!

The whole Castello-Harvell clan....all together...and all getting along! How crazy is that?

Family photo

My dad wanted a picture of just him in front of the white house so that he can text it to his friends on his flip phone.  Don't ask questions.

Addie girl, in outfit #2 for the day!  You fill in the blanks!

They think they're cool.

On Monday, as Brian and Carla jetted off to the Dominican Repulic to celebrate their graduation, we ended our weekend with a tour of the Capitol.

When Eric had the camera, he took pictures of historical things.  When I had the camera, I took pictures of pretty things.  Who do you think took this picture?

The original Declaration of Independence

View from the balcony

Addie is only 3 1/2 months, yet she is already so educated.

The crew touring the Capitol

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mother's Day

I absolutely love being a mom!  It is by far the best job in the world and even though I have only been a mom for a few months, I couldn't imagine my life without Addie.  I feel very lucky to be her mom and she has changed our life completely.  I can't put into words how much I love that little girl! 

My first Mother's Day was perfect!  We spent the day as a family and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I would have been happy just cuddling her all day on the couch, but Eric (and Addie) went above and beyond to make me feel special that day.  It started with breakfast in bed and it was super yummy!  Eric cooked up a storm while Addie and I had a lazy morning hanging out.  Then, we went for an early dinner to one of our favorite restaurants, Watermans, followed by a walk on the beach.  It was an amazing day that I will never forget!

I love this little girl to pieces!

Addie loves putting her toes in the sand!

Family photo at the beach!  Not only did I get breakfast in bed, dinner at Waterman's, and a walk on the beach, but Addie and Eric also got me a diamond necklace with Addie's birthstone in it!  I am one lucky girl!


Eric had his hands full with a busy weekend, my birthday was on Friday and my 1st Mother's Day was on Sunday...but little did I know he had quite a few tricks up his sleeve.  My birthday celebration started by stopping at school with Addie to see my class followed by pedicures with Brianna and Pam.  Then, the plan was to come home, change and get ready to go to a late dinner with Eric and Addie.  I thought that was an awesome way to spend my 28th birthday!  I walked in the door after my pedicure with Addie in one hand and her dirty outfit that she had pooped in earlier that day in the other hand, clearly I had NO IDEA what was waiting for me inside!  I was in complete shock when our house was full of our friends, neighbors, and out of town guests.  Eric had thrown me a surprise party!  He had been working for months to organize the decorations, food, drinks, and even surprised me with Brian, Carla, Robert, and Jill driving in for the occasion.  We had a blast hanging out, celebrating, and playing a friendly game of Cards Against Humanity.  I am a very lucky girl and 28 is a birthday that I will never forget!

Family photo op before Addie went to bed for the night!

Addie spending some QT with Uncle Brian

LOVED my cake - Beach Chairs to Rocking Chairs :)

The Jimmy Buffet theme was displayed in some really cute signs that my friend's mom made for the party.

The youngest and cutest, guests at the party...Addie and Nicole's son, Andrew.

Having fun with some of the ladies!

The party planners

These 2 are trouble...

Cooper even got to have a friend!

Not only did I get to have a surprise party, but I also got Jimmy Buffet tickets!  Plus, I got 2 more charms for my Pandora was a pretty awesome birthday!
Dinner with Robert and Jill later on that weekend.

Addie couldn't wait to meet Robert and Jill

Addie is getting really excited to meet her future BFF Josie Leigh :)

Thanks again guys for making the trip for my birthday!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Favorite Things - Month 3

You are growing and changing so much every single day and I wanted to record some of my favorite things that I want to remember about you and your 3rd month:

  • When you see your dad and I for the first time in the morning you smile so big and are so excited to see us!  It's one of our favorite things that you do and we look forward to it every single day!
  • As soon as you start to get tired you put your hands up close to your face and it is absolutely adorable.
  • You tell the BEST stories!  You sit on our legs and make the cutest coo-ing sounds as you talk to us.
  • We love it when you wake up from a nap and let out a big stretch!  You hold both arms above your head, arch your back, and make the funniest face.  Then, it's usually followed by a huge grin when you open your eyes and see your dad or I for the first time.
  • You have the most adorable smile in the whole wide world.  When you smile really big, your stick your tongue out a little bit.  It melts my heart every single time. 

  • Music always puts you in a good mood and you love country music just like your dad.  The 2 of you love to watch CMT together and you are mesmerized by all of the colors as they flash across the TV screen.
  • Your dad and I love to watch you and Cooper together.  Cooper loves to give you kisses and you smile really big, especially when he licks your toes.