Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Favorite Things - Month 6

A few things I want to remember about your 6th month:

-We started classes at the Little Gym and you LOVE it!  We sing songs, play with toys, and tumble around and you smile the entire time.

-You love to "wave" and reach for stuff that you want and it's usually something that you're not supposed to cell phone, the remote, food off of my plate, etc.  You also "wave" or move your hands in the same way when you get excited.

-We read books together before you go down for a nap and before you go to bed at night.  It's one of my favorite parts of the day.  You sit on my lap or your dad's lap with your paci and your lovey and look at the pictures as we read to you.  Occasionally, you like to eat the books too.

-Mirrors are your new favorite thing!  You love to look in the mirror and I don't blame are one cute baby!

 -Another favorite is water.  Water in the pool, water in the tub, my glass of water - no matter where it is, you love to play with and in water.  Now only if we could get a mirror for when you play in the water...

-I think you are part cat.  You reach for things, especially your mobile on your swing, like a cat and it is hilarious.  It entertains you for at least 10 minutes, which is a LONG time in the life of a 6 month old. 

-Another one of your favorite pastimes is to try to escape whatever baby contraption I have you in.  You arch your back, straighten your legs, and push to try to get out.  You are now strapped in, tightly, no matter what you are car seat, the swing, etc. I also rarely take my eyes off of you, I feel like you are just preparing us for when you become mobile.  Very impressive Addie, very impressive!

-Finally, I cannot believe that you are already 6 months old!  You've grown up over night and I can't believe that you are sitting up (with some assistance), riding in your car seat like a big girl (with much better views), and playing 24/7.  Being your mommy is so much fun and I know it's only going to get better!

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