Tuesday, August 12, 2014

OBX - Golf Outing

On Tuesday morning, the rain finally stopped...so what did we do you ask?  Dad, Kristen, Brian, Carla, Eric, and I all went golfing while Grandma stayed home to watch Addie.  I must point out that this was only the 2nd time ever that I played real golf, that is if golfing at Bob's even counts as "real" golf.  Bob's is the Par 3 course that Eric and I went to on the 4th with the Castello's and it is far from your regular course.  I don't mind golfing, I just tend to lose interest after about the 3rd or 4th hole - so Kristen and I were a team and alternated every other hole.  And we only lasted until about the 5th hole at which point we became more interested in the golf carts and sand traps (see below) than actually golfing.  But, needless to say we had fun and I think I'll stick to mini-golfing on family vacations in the future!

Having fun driving the cart, Bob's doesn't even half golf carts so this was a 1st for me!

Brian swinging away...

Carla was definitely the most experienced woman golfer in our crew!

FORE!  Dad showing Brian how it's done.

Check out that form!  Hole in one maybe?

I think this was my 3rd attempt at actually hitting the ball.

Are you actually playing or just posing Krissy?
The serious golfers finished up the 9th hole...
...while Kristen found a new use for the sand traps!

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