Thursday, August 21, 2014

OBX - Fun in the Sun

Even though we had quite a bit of rain on our annual OBX trip, we were lucky enough to still get a few days of fun in the sun.  Anyone who knows us, knows that we love the beach.  We are a beach family.  The beach has been one of our favorite spots from the very beginning.  Eric and I used to spend weekends at the beach when we were dating, we got engaged at the beach, and we even got married in the OBX.  We could not wait to share our love for the beach with Addie this summer and hopefully she would become a baby beach bum.  We took Addie to the beach when she was just 11 weeks old (you can read about that here) and we quickly learned that life at the beach wouldn't be the same with a baby.  After a few (failed) beach attempts, we realized that we would be pool people this summer.  The pool was easier, closer (a quick 5 minute walk vs. a 20 minute drive), and much more baby friendly than the beach.  We were excited about vacation, but we were also kind of nervous about how Addie would handle the beach.

After many days of fun in the sun, these are the things that we learned:
  • Timing is EVERYTHING!  A well rested, full belly, happy baby is much more pleasant at the beach.  Addie woke up from her morning nap most days around 11 and we would head to the beach after she ate.  If we timed it right, Addie was full of smiles on the beach.
  • The more help, the better.  The beach was much easier when we had Pap, Grandma, Aunt Kristen, Uncle Brian, and Carla to help entertain and take care of Addie.  Addie loved all the quality time that she got to spend with everyone.
  • A baby pool is a must.  Addie absolutely loves the water and since she couldn't go in the ocean, she splashed around in her baby pool all afternoon.  We can't wait for her to get a little older and jump in the waves! 
Once we got into a routine we had a blast with our baby girl at the beach.  We enjoyed walking with her on the beach, splashing with her in her pool, and baby snuggles during her afternoon naps on the beach.  We are so lucky to be able to create these beach memories with our beautiful little girl and we can't wait for many more OBX trips in the future!

I can't get enough of her chubby legs and cute little toes!

Enjoying some fun in the sun with my hubby

Having fun in our neons.

Eric playing in the water, pretty soon Addie will be out there boggie boarding with him!

Addie looking adorable in her baby beach hat.

Hiding from the sun with mommy.

Addie is the cutest little baby swimsuit model around!

If we only knew what he was praying about in his sleep..."Please let me work on my farting problem so I don't scare Carla away?" or  "I hope she says YES!"  or "Help me learn to surf as good as my surfer friends!"

The whole crew enjoying the beach.

Pap is in time out for not following directions lol

Brian won the bet and Carla giving him the death stare lol

Uh oh, we feel for you Kristen.  We hope you brought your gas mask, he did have baked beans last night lol

Relaxing on the beach with Addie is hanging out with Grandma.

Sisterly love

The ladies minus Grandma and Addie

Our annual picture

"I love my Auntie Krissy!"

More auntie time

Eric and Brian rented surf boards and spent hours in the water with their "surfer friends."  It was great entertainment for the rest of us.  They had a blast and luckily no one got hurt!

Bocce ball on the beach

These 2 are my world :)
Addie spent hours splashing around in her baby pool. 

She loved standing and watching the waves.

And the that's pretty cool stuff! 

Our version of "jumping in the waves"

Daddy's girl

Flying Addie girl

Cooling off in her pool

Our 1st vacation as a family was amazing, until next year OBX....

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