Tuesday, August 12, 2014

OBX - Rain, Rain Go Away

We went on our annual vacation with the Castello's to the OBX in the beginning of August.  This was Addie's first "official" beach vacation.  We stayed at "It's a Wonderful Life" in Nags Head and it sure was wonderful.  I've decided to dedicate a series of posts to our vacation and I figured I would start it off with an insight as to some of our favorite rainy day activities.  Yes, we had rain this year and we had a lot of it!  The first 3 days we were there were complete wash-outs, but that didn't mean we couldn't still have fun.  Here's how we spent our days in the rain...

1.  We go bowling.

Let the fun begin...
Note to self - Don't put Brian in charge of making the names once Addie can read.

Bowling and beers!

Addie even joined in on the fun.  The ball weighed (almost) as much as she does!
And of course we couldn't pass up a good opportunity to ICE Brian.  
2.  We play games.

The Castello's/Harvell's love board games!  Some of our vacation favorites are Balderdash and Cards Against Humanity.

3.We play beer pong in the pool.

Everything is always more fun when you add water, right?
My dad's best impression of Air Jordan!

Brian went for a much less-graceful version of dunking the ball (almost) and soaking everyone within a 3 mile radius!

4.  We take selfies.

A positive to a rainy day/night in the OBX is a beautiful double rainbow at sunset!
Pretty skies to test out Brian and Carla's new camera.

Nothing like a family selfie at sunset....one of many taken this night.  I would love to know what our neighbors thought about us as we turned and took a selfie at every angle.
Pretty sunset with the hubby.
Red skies at night, sailors delight...we hope!

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