Friday, February 20, 2015

My Favorite Things - Months 11 & 12

Here are a few of my favorite things from Months 11 and 12:

  • We celebrated your first Christmas and it was a blast!  We enjoyed starting a lot of our own family traditions this year, including going to Christmas Eve mass, followed by Chinese take-out for dinner, and opening one present when we got home.  In your Christmas Eve box, you got new pajamas, a new Christmas book, and a treat.  We woke up bright and early Christmas morning and opened presents and ate a yummy breakfast before we were off to Pittsburgh.  Your first Christmas was a Christmas that I will never forget.

  • You turned ONE!  It seems like you went from a sweet, little newborn to an active, lovable toddler over night.  We had a blast celebrating your big day with all of our closest friends and family...Minnie Mouse style of course!

  • Addie, you learned to give hugs and it is adorable!  Right now, your baby doll and elephant stuffed animal get all of the hugs.  It is so sweet.

  • Now that your so active you get really worn out throughout the day.  When you start to get sleepy, you lay your head on my shoulder and even snuggle with me (or Cooper) on the couch while we watch at episode of Mickey Mouse.  Since you have never been much of a cuddler, I soak up every minute that I can right now.

  • Your lovey has become one of your favorite things.  I love that you snuggle him close when you sleep at night, it's so cute.

  • I am still obsessed with your hair.  It has gotten so long over these past 2 months and it's even getting some curls.  It may not always look perfect, but I still love it, craziness and all.

  • We bought your first pair of shoes this month and they are absolutely adorable!  You look so grown up and even keep them on,  which is a miracle because you have never been a fan of shoes or socks.

  • The facial expressions you make crack me up!  It's hard to catch them all on camera, but you have oh so many.  Some of the best ones come at dinner time, you sure are the center of attention at every meal and I think you like it that way.

  • "Sooo BIG" is one of your favorite games, so it's one of my favorite things.

  • The positions that you fall asleep in are always interesting.  You actually prefer to sleep on your stomach, but sometimes it's like you were sitting up and just couldn't keep your eyes open any more so you just lay your head down and are out. 

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