Saturday, February 21, 2015

Playroom Reveal

Ever since Eric and I moved into our house, we knew that we wanted to make some changes.  We did just that over the first 2 years that we lived here, but one room remained untouched.  It was the room off to the right when you first walk into our house.  The previous owners used it as a small sitting room, but we knew all along that it would become a playroom.  I'm sure some of you are thinking, a playroom when you first enter the house, are you crazy?  I might be, but it was attached to our family room and the perfect size.  I have also been a neat freak, but once kids are involved all bets are off and I wanted a functional, fun room that they could call their own (with lots of places to hide all of the toys of course!)  So here's a warning for those of you entering our house, it may not always look perfect, but the mess just means that Addie was busy having a blast!

Over the summer, we made some huge changes in our house.  We had the playroom and hallway painted a light, airy blue color - much more welcoming and playful than the dark greenish color that was there when we moved in.  It really opened up the room and brought in a ton of light, I loved it.  The next big change was the floors.  We finally had our nasty, dog hair covered carpets ripped up and got hardwood floors put down.  They look absolutely beautiful and we couldn't be more pleased with how they turned out.  

Now that those 2 huge changes were made and Addie was quickly growing more interested in playing (and her toys were piling up with no where to put them), we decided that we needed to create a playroom for her.  We decided that our Christmas gift to her this year would be a finished playroom, something she could use and enjoy for years to come.  

I love to decorate and I love projects, so I immediately went to Pinterest for inspiration and quickly had a vision in my head on how I wanted it to look.  I'm very lucky that Eric kinda just trusts me in this area, yes he offers his opinions, but for the most part he will let me create what I have pictured in my head.  I knew I wanted a ton of storage, a chalkboard was a must, a kids table and chairs, adult seating would be a plus, and a fun, kid friendly environment.  We decided to go with a beach theme (shocking I know) and a color scheme of light blue and neutrals - white, gray, and wood.  

Here's is our official playroom reveal...hope you enjoy!

The Before Picture - An ugly, dark empty sitting room


I LOVE the storage bench that I created inspired from Pinterest of course.  We bought 2 bookshelves from IKEA and I turned them on their sides.  Then I bought a large piece of foam and fabric from JoAnn Fabrics and sent Eric to Home Depot for MDF board.  I used a staple gun and made the seat cushion.  

Here's another picture post-Christmas and Addie's birthday.  Her playroom is not full of toys and we spend hours in there every single day.  She loves it and so do we!

What better decor for the playroom that pictures of our sweet, little girl - all beach inspired of course!

I bought these frames from IKEA too and put pictures of Addie and her friends in them.  I love that they are plastic and she can play with them too.

Addie loves her anytime chair from Pottery Barn, but she also loves to climb on it (and fall.)  Therefore, her stuffed animals hang out in her chair most of the time, unless Eric or I are there to keep a very close eye on her.

The perfect sign for our perfect playroom.

I bought this wall art off of Etsy and I absolutely love it!  It's perfect for our beach themed playroom!

Addie loves to draw on her chalkboard!  This is another thing I made using things from IKEA.  I bought a poster board frame, it was super cheap.  Then, I just spray painted it with chalkboard paint.  I bought the plastic planters from IKEA as well and hung that below to hold her chalk.  

The table and chairs is also from IKEA, also super cheap, and also spray painted with chalkboard paint.  Addie loves to sit in her chair and draw or play with her laptop.  Eric and I like to joke that she is checking her emails, just like daddy.

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