Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Now that we have been able to share the news with all of our family and friends, I figured it was time to blog about it.  We could not be more excited to announce that Addie is going to be a big sister in August 2015!!!

Top 10 Reasons that I cannot wait for Baby #2 to get here:

10.  The new baby smell - it's the most precious, innocent, and loving smell and I cannot wait for that new baby smell again.

9.   Your hair - this is always a big debate in our house.  Will you be a brown-haired baby like mommy or take after daddy's blonde locks or throw us for a loop and be strawberry blonde? I guess we will have to wait until August to find out! 

8.  I cannot wait to dress you in all of those cute newborn baby clothes.  Whether you are a boy or a girl, those tiny little outfits are adorable and perfect for photo shoots!

7.  I always love to see how babies are the perfect mix of their mom and dad.  I cannot wait to just sit and stare at you and see what features resemble your dad and what features resemble me (or maybe I just want to sit and stare at you because newborns are just fun to stare at!)

6. Baby smiles and giggles - no explanation necessary, they are equally amazing!

5. It has been a blast sharing all of Addie's firsts with her over this past year, from the first day we got to see her in the delivery room to her first laugh to her first Christmas, those are all moments that I will never forget.  I cannot wait for all of the firsts we will get to experience all over again with Baby #2.

4. I cannot wait to introduce you to our families.  From grandparents to aunts and uncles to cousins to close friends, there are a lot of people that are already so in love with you and I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when they see you for the very first time.

3.  It has been amazing watching Eric and Addie interact with each other over the past year.  The Daddy-Daughter bond is a bond like no other, she sure does love her daddy and she has had him wrapped around his finger since the day he laid eyes on her for the very first time.  I cannot wait to experience that again and see Eric and Baby #2 together.

2.  I cannot wait to see Addie interact with her new baby brother or sister.  She is the sweetest little girl and so fun, loving and absolutely hilarious.  I know that she is going to be an amazing big sister!

1.  Becoming a family of 4 and enjoying all of the ups and downs of having 2 under 2.  I am absolutely terrified, but also more excited than I have ever been before.

With that being said, please hurry up August!  We can't wait to hold you in our arms Baby Harvell :)

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