Friday, November 20, 2015

Bella - Month 3

Weight, LengthHead - No updates here until your 4 month well check next month

Clothes:  3-6 months

Diapers: Size 1

No news is usually good news in this category and that's how it's been this month.  I know you are growing and developing right on track, but our next well check isn't until next month.  

At the 3 month mark, you and I seem to continue to make a really good team.  You are a very efficient eater, it only takes you about 15 minutes per feeding.  During the day you eat every 3-4 hours and then go a longer stretch at night.  I usually nurse you before bed around 8pm and then you wake up to eat between 5-6am.  We continue to give you a bottle every once in a while and you take it without a problem, as long as it is warmed up first.

The biggest change this past month is that you are now sleeping in your own room!  We tried to transition you to the crib as well, but it didn't seem to work because you were constantly kicking and waking yourself up.  I decided that's a battle we would fight after the holidays and for now you sleep in the rock n play.

Another big change is that you have become pretty predictable with your sleep habits and you have started napping in the afternoons when Addie naps :)  You typically wake up for the day between 7-8am and will take a mid-morning snooze on the go.  I'm very lucky that you seem to be pretty easy going and you don't mind napping in the car seat while we are out and about with your big sis.  Once we get home, I nurse you and feed Addie lunch and then both of you go down around 1.  This is usually your longest nap of the day, sometimes as long as 3-4 hours :)  Occasionally, you wake up before you are ready, so on those days you nap again around 5.  Every night you go to bed around 8 and sleep through the night, only waking up once to eat.

There's nothing better than a sister and these 2 have been best buds for 3 months now!

NOSE!  Addie is obsessed with Bella and Bella loves to watch her sisters every move.  Watching them together melts my heart!
This month you have been much more alert and aware of what's going on around you.  Sometimes you like to sit up with me in the playroom and just watch your sister play.  Sometimes you lay on the floor and she comes and lays next to you and the two of your babble and smile at each other, it melts my heart!  You have also found your hands this month and you are obsessed with them!  You love your rock n play, especially when you are swaddled.  The aden and anais blankets are your favorite! Mommy's milk continues to be at the top of your list too!

Like I said, someone found her hands...and LOVES them!
Bella, you are such an easy going baby and there are very few things that you do not like.  Tummy time is not your favorite though and it's partially my fault probably because we didn't do it enough from the beginning.  Since we are on the go so much these days and when we are home it's tough to let you lay on the floor unless I sit right next to you the entire time.  Your sister is very lovable, but sometimes she gets a little too close for comfort.  It's something we are working on though and hopefully you will learn to like more as you get older.

Bella has the best facial expressions.
Your neck strength has really improved and you are able to hold your head up without any wobbling back and forth (even with your hatred for tummy time!)  You are very aware of the sounds of our voices and will turn towards your dad and I and smile when you hear us.  You've started communicating a lot more with your baby babble and you love to tell us stories.  I've noticed you looking at yourself in the mirror this month during tummy time and you've even started grabbing for your toys on your play mat.

On another note, we celebrated your first Halloween and it was a blast!  It was just a glimmer of what's to come for the holidays and we can't wait!

Bella you are the best baby ever!  You are always willing to just go with the flow and with a smile on your face!  You are the happiest baby and so chill, I love it!  Even when your big sister and her friends like to poke at you and snatch your pacifier, you still sit there and smile!  I'm sure that eventually you will stand your ground a little more, but for now it's pretty awesome that your so willing to play along.  Even though it's only been 3 months, I already forget what life was like before you were born.  You fit into our family so perfectly and I couldn't imagine life without you!  We love you to the moon and back Bella!  Happy 3 months!

Seriously, she's so chill.
We went to Pittsburgh at the beginning of your 3rd month to introduce you to the rest of the family.  Grandma, Pap, and cousin Bryan are coming to visit this weekend.  We have lots of plans with friends and family over the holidays as well so stay tuned.

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