Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fall Pictures

The weather has been absolutely beautiful here lately and the leaves couldn't be prettier, so Eric and I decided that it would be the perfect time to try to take some fall pictures with the girls.  We decided to go to Oak Grove Park on Saturday morning and crossed our fingers for some cooperation from our very active toddler.  Since we plan on getting professional pictures taken again in the spring, for Addie's 2 year and Bella's 6 months, we decided to just do these on our own.  Plus, it's extremely difficult to take pictures of a toddler who refuses to sit still and a very adorable baby who can't sit on her own yet and with that being said, we are actually please with out they came out.  They may not be canvas worthy pictures like we usually get from our amazing photographer, but we are saving that for the spring.  This spring, Bella will be at her peak of picture taking, the grace period as I call it.  All of my favorite pictures of Addie when she was a baby were taken between about 6-9 months old, when she could smile, giggle, and make the cutest facial expressions, but she couldn't move or walk away from the camera!  I'm also hoping this spring that Addie will enter the stage of bribing.  I have no problem trading some ice cream for some smiles :) It's really a win, win for me!

Since Bella was born, I've probably taken close to 100 judging please, babies are just adorable, a baby and a toddler together - priceless!   But, when I was looking through my pictures the other day I noticed I have a ton of both Bella and Addie, both individually and together and I even have a bunch of family pictures, but I lack pictures of Eric with the girls and myself with the girls.  I always like to have options when it comes to photos and sometimes it's nice to have just Eric with his girls by himself and same for me.  Plus, I might need them for a project I am working on for Christmas :)  With that being said, here are the finished products - The Harvell Family Fall Portraits, Addie is a 21 month old toddler who never stops moving and Bella is the most easy going, sweetest almost 3 month old that I've ever met.  Enjoy :)

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