Saturday, November 7, 2015

Halloween 2015

This year we had an entire day of fun planned for Halloween since it fell on a Saturday.  We started the day with our little bumble bee and sunflower at a Halloween brunch with some of our neighborhood friends.  Addie had a lot of fun running around their back yard, chasing the orange and white balloons, and playing on their swing set.  Although Bella slept through most of the party, she was still miss popular with the other little ones.  Addie loves to make sure all of her friends know where Bella's eyes are and her nose is, it's the funniest thing.  They all gave Bella lots of hugs and kisses and I love seeing my pretty girl so loved - as long as she doesn't lose an eye in the process :)    My friend had some super yummy Halloween themed treats and Halloween activities for the kids, it was the perfect way to start out our day.  We left the brunch with full bellies and naps on our mind:)

Luckily, both girls took awesome naps on Halloween.  By the time everyone woke up, it was time for dinner and then it was back in their costumes for some trick or treating.  Some of our friends met up with us along the way.  Addie and her little buddy Hudson were the most adorable little bumble bee and puppy holding hands as we walked from house to house.  After a lot of walking, they were both pretty tired, so tired that Addie had to catch a ride with Hudson on his stroller on the way home.  When we got home, we checked out Addie's candy stash and then it was off to bed for Addie.  Eric, Bella, and I then went outside to the bonfire to join the rest of the neighborhood to hang out, make smores, and enjoy some drinks and good company.  Halloween 2015 was a success! 

Hudson between Addie and Addy :)

We may or may not have waited too long to take a mom picture

One happy little bumble bee ready for some trick or treating

Daddy and his girls

Addie's first boyfriend

Hand in hand ready to get some candy.  

It's getting close to bedtime

The cutest sunflower I've ever seen :)

Addie got pretty good at trick or treating by the end.

Catching a ride home with her buddy!

A happy girl with her Halloween candy
Some adult fun after the kids went down.

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