Monday, February 22, 2016

Addie & Cooper: An Update

Everyone knows that dog's are supposed to be "man's best friend".  They are loyal, protective, and always there to greet you as you walk through the door.  After watching Addie and Cooper over the last couple of weeks I think we need to change that phrase.  Cooper is man's  toddler's best friend.  Addie and Cooper have taken their friendship to a whole new level these last couple of weeks.  Enter - the ball.  Addie loves to play catch and Cooper loves to fetch, it truly is a match made in heaven!  They literally run circles around the house playing and will do it nonstop for hours.  Addie gets Cooper's ball, runs a few laps, then I hear "ready, set, go as she launches it (all of 5 feet away) and Cooper jumps on it.  Then we repeat, about 100 times a day!  This is really a win win for everyone.  Addie gets her exercise on days it's too cold to play outside, Cooper gets to play, and they both end up exhausted at the end of the day.  Plus it makes for great entertainment for Bella and I!  Playing catch is only one of their many activities these days.  Addie also likes to give Cooper check ups with her Doc McStuffins kit, he doubles as a couch because she sits on top of him when she eats her snack, and Addie's learning how to get him to do all sorts of tricks before he gets his treat - sit & paw are her current favorites.    I can't wait to see what these 2 come up with next, especially when we add Bella (who will be on the move soon!) to the mix!  

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