Monday, February 22, 2016

Bella - 6 months

Weight 15 lbs 6 oz (40th percentile)
Length 25.2 inches (21st percentile)
Head 44 cm (84th percentile)

Clothes: a combo of 6 & 9 months clothes

Diapers: Size 2

We visited Dr. Fink for your 6 month well check.  We doubled up and did Addie's 2 year well check at the same time!  You both did great and you continue to be a happy, healthy baby!  This month you've had a never-ending stuffy nose so I had Dr. Fink double check your ears to make sure you didn't inherit ear aches like your big sis did.  Luckily, you didn't have any ear infections.  We ended the appointment with the dreaded shots (for both you and your sis!), which resulted in a low fever and fussy baby for the next 24 hours.  I hate seeing you upset, so I was very happy when it passed and you were back to your smiley self!

We've started solids this month, wooohoo!  So far you've had sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots and you've loved them all!  It only took you a few days to get it down and now you inhale the whole jar in one sitting!  Right now we are only having solids at dinner but I think we are going to start solids at breakfast very soon because you like them so much.  Next up on the menu is some green veggies and maybe apples for something sweet!  Don't get me wrong though, you still love momma's milk too!

Not much has changed here.  Overall, you are a very good sleeper.  You sleep (almost) through the night, waking around 5 to nurse and will go back to bed until 7:30-8ish.  Occasionally, you wake up throughout the night and need your pacifier, but then quickly roll over back onto your side and go back to sleep.  Yes, you are a side sleeper and I love how you kick your legs up and roll to your side the second I lay you down in your crib.  The morning nap is usually on the go and I'm thankful you are still okay with that.  Your afternoon nap is in your crib and usually lasts around 2 hours.  Typically, you still need an evening cat nap and this is probably the trickiest part of our day.  Around 4-5ish you become fussy/tired, your big sister acts like she hasn't been fed in over a week, and I'm trying to make dinner...all at the same time.  On a good day, you fall asleep, your sister is content with a small snack and Daniel Tiger, while I speed cook in the kitchen.  On a bad day, I'm holding you, attempting to get something together for dinner, all while your sister is screaming and tugging at my leg.  Luckily, your dad comes to the rescue at 5:30 and every one cheers up after a yummy meal!

In the past month you have become very active!  You love to play with toys, the o-ball and rattle are your favorites.  You love to be sitting up in your excersaucer or bumbo so you can watch everything around you.  This month, you've started taking baths with your sister and you kick and squeal the entire time.  I love all the giggles that come during bath time from you and Addie!  You love sitting up with us at dinner time.

You do not like having your face cleaned or nose suctioned, but who would?

-You've rolled from your belly to your back on your own a few times.  You've even managed to roll from your back to belly one time (in the middle of the night) and you did not like it!  No worries though, I quickly came to your rescue!
-We've heard an all out baby giggle and it's absolutely my favorite sound ever.  You are very ticklish and think your big sister is hilarious, both can guarantee an all out belly laugh!
-You've started solids - sweet potatoes were first and after the initial shock that it wasn't momma's milk, you loved every bite!  Addie even likes to help feed you, with mommy and daddy's supervision of course!
-I can tell you are very close to sitting up on your own.  You love to lean forward and do it by yourself, but you still need some assistance.
-Your eyes are still a very pretty blueish-greenish-hazelish color (I'm not sure what to call them) and your dad is very proud of that!  You guys are twins!
-You sat up in the swing for the first time at the park and sat up in our new double stroller, both of which you absolutely loved!
-You have started taking your baths with your big sister!  It makes it so much more fun (and a lot easier) on all of us.
-We celebrated your first Valentine's Day!
-We took you outside in the snow for the first time.  You were all bundled up and looked so cute in your little snowsuit!

Over the past month you have become quite a little busy body!  You are so active and love to play! You are constantly checking things out and observing every little thing around you, always with a smile on your face.  You are still such a chill baby, but I really do love this side of you too!  This is such a fun age and I love watching you as you take in every new experience and thing that comes your way.  I can't believe that we are already at the 6 month mark, but life is good and so sweet with you in it.  Happy 1/2 birthday Bella bean, we love you to the moon and back!

We had family in town to celebrate Addie's 2nd birthday and you greeted every single one of them in true Bella fashion, with a huge smile!

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